Will you let me?

670 39 3

3. persons POV

Beam was shocked when he sees everyone on the door.

_Beam. Won't you let us in? ' Lien asked flatty toned.

_ Why are you here the middle of the night? Why is Forth with you? ' He grabbed Forth's wrist and take his side and then blast the door to their face.

Everybody froze including Forth.

_ Beam. Sooner or later we are going to go through this. Please let them in! 'Forth pleaded.

_You don't remember my mum? She is going to kill us both. Maybe your parents too.

Forth kissed Beam's forehead and slide the door open. Let the parents in.

Marla smirks

_Hi Beam. Come here! I missed you.. oww hone don't worry, even this ice-lady disowned you. I will take you.

_Welcome aunty. I missed you too.' Beam greeted and wai.

_Sooner or later we are going to do this anyway. Please have a sit first. 'Forth invited them to the couch.

_what do you mean we are going to do this? Why? 'Beam said.

_ Don't you want to introduce me to your family as your boyfriend? This is not a joke.

Lien observed the boys and turn to Marla, she was smiling ear to ear.

_Do not make that face ! your son is not going to fuck my son. Period!. BEAM. I will make myself clear. I don't know what is going on but it has to end now. You are a manly man. I raised you that way. I made you heartless for a reason. We all know you loved each other. This guy even asked my permission to love you when you were 10. For god sake! No one does that.

I made you this monster for a reason. I can't let my only son to be fucked. Moreover with this fucking king of satan himself. ' Lien stated.

_Who said it will be who fucks. I'm a virgin for god sake. If this is your only concern I won't fuck him. I don't know how to do it anyway. I don't care that fact. I just want to be with him!.

David and Ben froze first and said at the same time.

_you are still VİRGİN?

_Yes. And I don't have to explain myself.

_ I thought you are a player like Beam. Since you have the quality. I mean look at you. Even you look like a beast I may add. ^Lien said.

_ You are willing to give in for Beam? ' Marla asked while smiling sheepishly.

_ I know this sounds bad but even I can change my surname to Baramee. My family has 2 other sons anyway. They don't need me for an heir. I know Beam is the only heir of your empire.

I can be a Baramee, or we can never get married. You want Beam to have a baby, be my guest. I can't do that maybe but we can have a surgical mother. I just want to be with Beam for the rest of my life. '

Beam froze on the spot. Forth even think that far with him. He is even willing to have his surname. Beam also doesn't care about being fucked by Forth. Beam looked at Lien.

_ Mum! Do you remember when I cried last week at home? I went to the beach where Forth was with his SOTUS. I saw his stoic face there. He wasn't smiling mum. First I was happy but then I realize I'm the one who took his gummy smile from him.

I'm the one who forbids him from smiling, İf he is not with me he doesn't smile mum. Please let me cheer him. Let us be happy.

_Will you be really happy with him. He might be a virgin but really looks like a beast. Do you think you can handle him? ' Lien hugs Beam.

Beam's POV

Damn! He didn't ask me to be boyfriend and now we are talking about this like we are married from your back. I didn't know Forth think that far. He didn't tell me what is in his mind.

_ I thought you wouldn't let me go by myself anymore yet you were gone the first night we are boyfriends. WHY? Am I not attractive to you? Am I that dirty because I sleep with hundreds of girls?

_ What are you talking about Beam? I told you I can't change your past but I don't judge you for it tho. You would never be more perfect than this. It's just I have to speak with my gang. You know how much Lam cares about you!. He even punched me on the face because we didn't tell him first. They don't want to ruin the moment at the restaurant. It is just your gang and mine have a different style of solving problems.

_ I cried because of you. You are going to pay for it. ' I pout.

_Maybe we need to talk tomorrow morning. Let's go to our hotel rooms for the night. We need to rest. I can't focus right now. ' my father suggests. I forget that they were here.

I took Forth's wrist. Made him stay. I glared at my and his parents.

_We need to talk. You go ahead. Let's meet at breakfast. ' I said and slam the door.

Forth was taken aback from my boldness. He sits on the couch. I glared at him and sign the bed. He sighs and sits on the edge of the bed.

_Forth don't you find me attractive? Why don't you want to touch me? If its because someone touches me before you Lets erase them together.

_ Beam you are the one and only person I'm attracted. Don't humiliate yourself. You are the Casanova for god sake. You are both handsome and beautiful. I'm indeed jealous who touches you before me. I really really want to erase those memories from your brain. I want to touch everywhere they touch. I want to be the last person who saw you naked.

_I love you Forth. I want the same too.

_Beam. I can't stand the idea of wasting my every minute without you after we meet again. I want to have a past with you, to share lots of memories with you, and most of all I want to have a future with you. I want to be by your side until all birds forget how to fly, fishes forget how to swim..... Until we grow old together. I want to be your everything Beam. And I want you to be my everything. Will you let me?

I 'm the happiest person in this world. These sentences are so cheesy yet so innocent.

_I was thinking about it... how others might see us. How they are going to judge us? All my life I have always taken care of other people. But I think this is my time. Because I feel happy for the first time for a long time.

I will cheer for you Forth. 

Hi guys I know it's been 4 days. But I need to work as well. due to COVİT_19 we really work hard. Please pray for all the scientist all around the world. 

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