Chapter Thirty-Four: Okay, Now We're Mad

Start from the beginning

"Their experiments keep failing because there is no way to place magical powers in a living mortal," White says. "Mortal bodies just can't handle them."

"That doesn't even seem to be their only experiments," Robin looked at the screens. "I haven't seen anything like this since Superboy's last physical."

That certainly got Superboy's attention.

"What," he gasped.

"These other experiments seem to be very similar to your own DNA," Robin explained. "Two different sources of DNA being combined into one. Only this time, all the DNA being used isn't human. One half is demon and the other half is mystic. They've been trying a lot of different combinations of abilities and magical species. These do not seem to be going as wrong as their previous experiments."

"He's right," Karen agreed with him, looking at the screens. "They seem to be getting more success stories by starting from scratch than using an already living subject."

"Does that mean they're creating magical clones," Conner asked, not liking the sound of that at all.

"No," Danny stated. "They're creating living weapons."

Superboy looked at the ghost boy in shock that he would use such terms. The rest of the team also stared at him.

"He means that literally," White quickly recovered what his brother said. "Demons do not have souls. So when they create these clones with demonic DNA and powers, the clones will not have souls either. They will have no issues with killing."

"The GIW is creating an army to fight magic with magic, but their own twisted version of it," Jazz said.

That definitely did not sit well with the mystics. Phantom, Siren, and Roland looked even more pissed off than before.

"Phantom, let's get these demons and mystics out of here and then destroy these James Bond wannabes," White snarled.

"I can hardly wait," Danny growled.

"Robin, can you disconnect the pods from these systems without killing any of them," Roland asked the bird-themed hero.

"It looks like the pods each have their own back-up systems, so they can be taken out of here," Robin said.

"Myself, Superboy, and the others can get as many of the pods out as possible," M'gann tells them.

"Where's the closest exit, Nightwing," Valerie asked the former Boy Wonder.

Bringing up his holo-screen again, he used the building's blueprints to look up where they could get out the fastest.

"We're standing right under it, actually," he said, looking at the ceiling.

"Huh," most of the team 'duh'ed.

"It appears that after going down the stairs, we're directly underneath the outside of the building," he said.

"I can make the ceiling above us intangible so that the pods can be moved," Danny says. "I can even poke my head up there to check for any incoming agents."

"Roland and I can keep a look-out for any agents or scientists coming to check on the pods," White said.

"Prepped and ready for a fight," Roland held up a few of his gems in his hand.

Siren and Roland stayed at the top of the stairs to look out for any agents, Siren's hearing being a big help with that. Phantom flew up to the ceiling and did the same phasing thing that he did with the outside wall. A circle of intangibility formed. He first poked his head through to get a good look around.

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