Chapter 2

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It was an ordinary, quiet evening in Beach City. The gentle ocean breeze blew through the pale gems hair. Pearl sat silently staring at the soft sky above, listening to white waves crash against each other.

Time always seemed to go quickly on Earth for the gems. They had spend centuries here, yet to them it still felt so new. It wasn't until that day when time just, stopped. The seconds dragged, making days feel like weeks. It had been 4 years since everyone's worlds collapsed, and nothing has really changed since.

The undying sense of dread and guilt stuck in Pearl's throat. The words hung on the edge of her tongue yet wouldn't fall off. Her stomach was in a constant knot which wouldn't come loose.

She knew Garnet and Amethyst felt the same way too, she knew she could talk to them and they'd all share the same feelings. But she couldn't bring herself to talk to them.

The Crystal Gems relationship had been rocky since the day Steven was born. Pearl didn't expect to see Rose's gem flip while she was losing her form, and she didn't expect it to stay that way. The truth was out, and was right in everyone's gaze.

Rose was Pink Diamond.

Amethyst seemed to take it the best out of the three gems, though Pearl wasn't entirely sure how well that actually was. She'd had always been very quiet about her own emotions, and became even more so after the reveal. She didn't know much about the war, or Pink Diamond, so she was more confused than anything. She also started spending most of her time in her room, or with Vidalia.

Garnet ended up splitting, with Ruby and Sapphire dealing with the news in extremely different ways. Sapphire blamed herself, beating herself up over putting too much trust in Rose. Ruby on the other hand, didn't really know how to process what was happening. She had so many conflicting emotions. She was upset, and angry, both at Rose and herself, yet she knew that she couldn't have known. She tried to talk things out with Sapphire, to comfort her, but it didn't work. They stayed split for the longest time, and only fused again once Greg had given them some relationship advice.

Speaking of Greg, he was in a similar boat to Amethyst. He didn't know what was going on at all, heck he didn't even know who Pink Diamond was. Rose hid a lot from Greg, and he understood that. He stayed quite distant from the gems for awhile after, knowing the gems were unstable and not wanting them to be around Steven.

Then there was Pearl herself. As the only person who knew Rose's secret, she panicked, yet she also felt a huge weight he lifted off her, due to the seal Pink left being lifted. The loss of Rose, the love of her life, made Pearl fall into a depressive state. She couldn't even look at Greg or Steven.

Things seemed to get better over the years though, once Garnet was back and the gems were a lot more stable, Greg started letting them see Steven. The young boy sparked some kind of light in the gems, they couldn't help but smile when they saw him waddle around, try his best to put together a sentence, and get excited over the littlest things.

Everything seemed to have calmed again, everything seemed fine.

Until that day.

No one saw it coming, Garnet couldn't even predict it with her future vision. The day started off as normal, Greg drove his van down to the beach, parking it outside the temple. Steven hopped out the van as soon as it stopped, and ran to the gems who were waiting for them, giving them all a hug.

Then the day went like any other day. Pearl would help Steven with basic education (as Greg hadn't enrolled him in school) then they would all play with each other on the sand.

And then suddenly, the sky went dark.

None of the gems had time to process what was happening, and the memory was just a blur to Pearl. One minute the sky went dark, the next the gems were screaming at Greg to get as far away as possible with Steven. Then...


The next thing Pearl remembers was reforming. She took the longest to reform, like usual, and was met with a devastating site. The entire Beach was destroyed, debris scattered everywhere. Garnet was split apart, back to Ruby and Sapphire again, and Amethyst couldn't bring herself to look away from the floor. Then Pearl realised what had happened.

Steven was gone...

Pearl pulled herself out of her memories, feeling the tears flow from her light blue eyes. She lowered her head into her knees and sobbed. She had lost everything, everything that made her feel, secure, everything that made her feel happy.

All of it was gone. And she was left alone to be eaten alive by her overwhelming emotions.

The sky went dark, and Pearl continued to silently sob, until she physically couldn't cry anymore. She sat there for hours, until she heard footsteps quickly approaching behind her.

Pearl shifted her head, only to see Garnet behind her for the first time in ages. Even with her visor on, Pearl could see the distress plastered onto the fusions eyes.

"G-Garnet?" Pearl managed to spit out, her throat dry from how much she had been crying. "You... fused? But-"

"We don't have time!" Garnet interrupted, her voice sounding just as stressed as her face. "We've detected gem activity on the Moon base. We need to investigate immediately."

"The Moon base?!" Pearl practically yelled, jumping up from her spot on the sand. "How are we even going to get there, we don't have a warp?"

Garnet tilted her head towards Temple, Pearl moved her head to see Amethyst, next to a lion. A pink lion.

The gems ended up meeting this lion on a mission in the desert a few months ago. They were certain he was linked to Rose somehow, due to him being entirely pink, and decided to keep him. A few weeks later they saw him creating portals, jumping through them only to come back through looking exhausted. It was like he was trying to get somewhere, somewhere far away.

"Do you think he'll be able to make it all the way to the moon?" Pearl asked, concerned on if it'll work or not.

Garnet shifted her visor slightly, and gave a small nod, before replying. "It's worth a shot."

Pearl, though hesitant, agreed, and the two made their way over to Amethyst and the pink feline.

"So, are we ready or what?" Amethyst said, in her usual laid back tone.

Pearl gave her a serious glare, before climbing onto Lion's back. Amethyst and Garnet joined soon after, and Lion got ready to open a portal.

"Well, here goes nothing." Amethyst said, giggling slightly. "To the moon!"

Lion started running, then opened a portal, jumping through. The gems held on tight, as they made there way to the destination. Unaware that a certain someone was currently there.

Helloooooo! Thank you for reading chapter 2 of my au, I hope you're enjoying it! I don't really have much to say, but I wanted to leave what Steven and his Pearl look like in this au here! (Art by me don't steal >:(((( )

AN:Helloooooo! Thank you for reading chapter 2 of my au, I hope you're enjoying it! I don't really have much to say, but I wanted to leave what Steven and his Pearl look like in this au here! (Art by me don't steal >:(((( )

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