Chapter 1

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AN: Hello! It is me here to present my stupid SU au I've been working on because I'm a sucker for Diamond Steven AU's. Just like to say I haven't wrote anything proper in AGES, and this AU is still quite a big wip, so please expect things to be slow while I work things out. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


"I'm not coming back until you let me visit Earth!" Steven yelled, feeling desperation rise in his throat.

Steven 'Pink' Diamond, was currently arguing with one of his fellow diamonds/aunts, Yellow, through the Diamond Communication Line. He was currently situated at the old Moon Base, much to the other Diamonds disapproval, which he had recently ordered to be turned into a place he could live for awhile due being angry at the other diamonds.

Yellow let out a frustrated sigh on the other end of the line, trying her best not to completely lose her temper.

"Pin- Steven... We've been through this, you can see Earth when your ready!" Yellow said with her demanding, and angered tone of voice. Steven could tell she was about to snap at him, but he didn't care.

"I am ready! You said once I'd mastered all my studies I could go, and I have!" Steven yelled, clearly losing his temper as well. "So why can't I-"

The pink boy was cut off by Yellow slamming her arms against her throne, which caused her Pearl to flinch slightly.

"This is the last time I'll tell you this! Your. Not. Going. To. Earth." She snapped, causing more anger to rise up inside of Steven. "This conversation is over. And don't bother trying to beg Blue, she won't give into you again."

Steven didn't bother to respond, all he did was let out a frustrated screech before he stormed off out of the room. Pearl noticed this, and panicked slightly, quickly running too the communication device to end the call before following her diamond.

Steven began to storm through the halls of the moon base, only paying attention to the sound of his footsteps harshly echoing through the halls. He could see everyone around me tense up, but he didn't care, why would he?

The only thing he could really process was the anger bubbling up inside of him, slowly creeping up his limbs into it engulfed every sector of his body. Some of his gems tried to approach him to see what was wrong, but would poof if they got too close due to his anger manifesting in his aura.

He carried himself back to his living quarters inside the Moonbase, not bothering to wait for Pearl to open or close the door for him, and slammed all his weight down onto my bed, before letting out a frustrated yell into my pillow.

Pearl approached him with cation, knowing getting too close could potentially damage her, but she wanted to calm down and comfort her diamond.

"My Diamond, are you-" Pearl began to say in a quite tone, before Steven cut her off.

"I've told you Pearl, you don't have to call me that when no ones around." Steven stated bluntly. He picked his head up from his pillow, and stared at Pearl with cold, yet tired eyes.

"Y-yes Steven, my apologies." She stuttered slightly, clearly still on edge, before swallowing down her nerves. "Do you need anything?"

Steven's eyes softened slightly, as the angry slowly drained from his brain, leaving him with an overwhelming sense of emptiness. He didn't want to seem weak, but he couldn't help but feel venerable after his tantrums.

He gave Pearl a small nod, before quietly replying. "I need a hug..."
He didn't want to seem like he was growing soft, was suppose to be a strong leader, who is was both feared but also respected by his followers. Yet here he was, needing to be hugged by a Pearl of all people.

Pearl's face softened, realising Steven was upset, and wrapped her arms around small diamond in a motherly and protective way. Steven always felt comfortable around Pearl. She was made specifically for him, and she was one of the only people who truly cared about him as a person, and not just his status. She had raised him, been there for him when the other diamonds couldn't, played games with him.

She was his best friend.

Steven started to quietly vent to Pearl, knowing she would listen. "I know I'm ready, Pearl, I've done everyone they've asked! D-do they..." He paused for a second, sniffing as tears started to slowly leak down his cheek. "Do you they not trust me? I know my mum messed up, but... but..."

Pearl softly shushed him, and patted his hair. "It's okay, Steven. I'm sure they're just being overprotective. Earth is dangerous, and they don't want to lose you."

Steven didn't respond, he just sat in Pearls arms. Closing his eyes, he let himself relax. He knew the diamonds were just looking out for him deep down, but he didn't want to be seen as a failure, or weak like his mother was. She never managed to complete the planets colonisation, so that was his job now.

After a few minutes of silence, Pearl could hear light snoring from the young prince, noticing that he had fallen asleep in her arms. 'He must have worn himself out with his tantrum.' She thought to herself, smiling softly at him, before gently laying him down on his bed. Once she was sure he was comfortable enough, she went and waited by the door to his room, waiting for him to wake up.

Steven slept peacefully and comfortably, unaware of who was currently making there way to the Moonbase...

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