It's not like that.

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Harry's Pov| Same Night

'HE FANCIES YOU' When I heard Louis shouting from somewhere close.It took me 2 seconds to understand what he has done. I wasn't feeling anything I wasn't doing anything and I wasn't even sure if I was still breathing. I looked at Zayn, expecting him to say something but then my inner voice spoke to me:

'Are you kidding me ? He just learned something he shouldn't have and probably not going to talk with you anymore and still you are waiting him to say something. Just explain everything. maybe with a little sympathy you can lighten the mood'. And with that I spoke to stop the awkwardness :

-Look, I am sorry. I know you love Perrie and You may see me as a homewrecker right now but listen I was never gonna tell about this. I like being friends with you and I think I just ruined it so If you can just forg-

-What the hell are you talking about ? He cut me off and I was ready to hear how I messed up everything.

-Harry, if you really think Im goin' to end our friendship you dont know me at all. Yeah it did suprised me but not because you liked me because I am okay with it. 

-What do you mean you are okay with it ? I asked both shocked and relieved because he didn't freak out. He continued;

-I mean I've always been into girls. But I'd be lying If I say I don't like your playful self, the chats we do at nights.. but-

-you always thought that connection's reason was our friendship. This time I cut him off because I knew it. He is not into boys and now, god knows how I am going to look at his face again. thanks a lot Louis.

-Yes, but there is more, today in the photoshoot, it was something else made me to put my hand over your's, it was  something else made me look at you on the stage during those lyrics. He said and I felt my heartbeats got faster. and I  simply smiled at him. He looked at me again with those golden orbs I've always adored. I could stare into them all day, all night.

- You are really charming , look at those curly locks of yours what more would you want ? but still, you know about management and Perrie so I think we should wait for everything to be clear for each of us. yeah ? He stopped and I was thinking about how he complimented me, no I can't blush right now ,absolutely not.Is it just me or is it getting hot in here ? I put myself together as much as I could.

-I know.. yeah of course.. slow.. sure.. I said still couldn't stop smiling like a teenage girl who got a date with her crush. Then I realized it was almost midnight so I got up -I really didn't want to- said good night to him.

And on my way to my room I noted to thank Louis somewhere in my brain.( after learning what the hell was he thinking of course :) ) At the same time I stepped into my room, I saw curious eyes looking at me.  What? How? Whatever I am not going to question their ninja skills.

-What do you want? I asked sharply because I was tired and I really needed a good sleep.

-Isn't it obvious ? Tell us everything and I don't know thank me for the rest of your life ? :) Louis said. Normally I had another response in my head but tpwk and I was tired so I just gave in.

- Okay, so shortly, He said he also felt something but because of all the problems, you know his relationship with Perrie and management he wanted to wait till things get easier.. Well, considering that he wasn't completely sure about his emotions it went better than I thought.. What do you think ? I asked them.

- The thing Im thinking about is your ship name. Niall said sounded like thinking the most serious thing in the world, and We all  looked at him with confused face, he continued;

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