Oh No Louis

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Liam's Pov | Next Day | Morning

I slowly got up with the annoying melody of my alarm. We had much to do today :a photoshoot and a performance at night.I decided to check social media before I got out of my room and saw numerous messages from Louis, This boy is my biggest fan Im telling you.

Tommo:) : Didn't know you were a so into romantic stuff payno ahaha

Tommo:) : 'Buying roses is the most romantic thing' ahahhaah well you weren't a expert ha?

Tommo:) : God I loved this, read everything in your blog :))) Can you tutor me pivately pleaseee

NO NO NO This is not happening right now. I exactly knew what was Louis talking about.. In highschool me and my friends created a blog.We were posting some stuff and I wrote something about ' How to organise a dream date' or something like that  but it was just for fun and I am %100 sure I deleted it at the end of the year. There is no way-  Wait Harry.. No.. He wouldn't.. I remember telling him about it when we weren't that close but its impossible for him to remember, right? God if this sh*t goes to the media.. I cant even imagine..so much embarrasment. You asked for this Harry.After dressing up, I rushed to the Harry's room. I knocked his door maybe a little loud but who cares. He opened it and moved away from the door.

-What did you do? most importantly Why did you do ? Im so scared to check instagram tell me how bad is it ? I asked with a unpatient and angry voice tone.

-Whoah easy there love boy, You can be grateful that I haven't shared it with media yet. but I think I did something worse than that because I sent it to the boys ;) Pretty sure Louis wont let us  forget about this for a while now. He said with that stupid smirk on his face. I was feeling defeated then the light dawned on me.

-Wait so you are accepting it.I said he looked at me confused.

-Accepting what? That you are so romantic? Maybe but I a little too much for me

-No, your love, for zayn ? If it wasn't real, you wouldn't mess with me you wouldn't even care.I knew it. My haz is in love.. When I said he froze for a second and just stood. Then he spoke with a voice that completely proves I am right, a nervous tone.

-No, I ehm... did it because.. you know ITS ANNOYING. Stop it. It may cause misunderstandings.

-Harry, even if I LOVE teasing you, you can talk to me I mean we're friends.. Like you and Zayn.. ;) I said because I knew that some nights they were having deep conversations. I have never asked what they were about but I knew they trusted each other, well I didn't really expect Harry to like Zayn but I was ready to support him, in my way :) He looked at me,

-Look,I dont know okay ? Yes I might liked him before he started dating Perrie but I am not some kind of a homewrecker. And now, things are complicated. They are taking a break and well, I am gonna be honest, I might felt a little hopefull in the beginning but it doesn'tmean that I am going to open up to him. When he stopped I sighed, patted his back.

-I get it bro, but not gonna leave before saying this,I ship you guys. I smiled at him and also just for a second saw a sparkle in his eyes too. When I was getting up and leaving the room the called my name and said;

-Liam, I want this to be our secret I know you told Louis about it too, I'll talk to him in our free time.  H e said looking  at me puppy eyes??? seriously??

-Okay okay, oh its time already Lets go we need to dess up for the photoshoot. I said and walked to the dressing room. Louis, Zayn and Niall were already there.

Zayn's Pov

I was trying to decide on what Im going to wear for the photoshoot. Need to look good you know. I saw Harry and Liam walked in and joined us. At the same time Louis started to make fun of Liam about the article I also read last night. I wasn't going to say anthing about it because I knew Louis would do that instead of me . So I just enjoyed the show.

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