The Beginning Of Everything

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*Harry's Pov: |2013

"Wasn't it awesome?" said Louis after a performance of ours and it really was.Even if the stadium's largeness, it was filled up with our best supporters,fans.

We moved on to the backstage as we were really tired and it was time to go to our hotel.We were walking towards to our rooms while we were still discussing the show.We stopped in front of the Niall's room and he left after saying good night to us. Then when the four of us were walking silently,Liam broke the silence and asked for help from Louis. He had lost his keys for the room.. I chuckled because it wasn't the first time.

"I can't believe you Liam I am dead tired and now you are asking me to search for your keys,you think I am gonna do that and its not even the first time".Louis said and rolled his eyes at him.

Liam quickly looked around again - he did it like 1000 times-

and said "c'monn Louis If you dont come with me to search it I had no choice but to sleep with you :)" Liam said with a smirk on his face because he knew Louis wasn't going to accept that option.

"Ohh please not againn, okay c'mon but we'll just look to the backstage again and if we cant find it there, well you can knock harry,zayn or niall's room if you want :)" Louis said because he needed a really good sleep and being interrupted by Liam in his sleep would be the last thing he'll want. They slowly walked off after saying goodbye to me and Zayn.

"Well, its just two of us now. Are you up for chatting a little?" Zayn asked me and he didnt sound tired at all.. Talking at night, was the thing we sometimes do to discuss something bothers us or something we are happy about..

And even if I was tired like Louis , I couldn't say no to him and nodded my head "Sure lets go to my room". we walked a little as my room wasn't too far from Niall's. I pulled out my key and opened the door while he was right behind me. We directly moved to the balcony as the weather was mild.He sat one of the dark green rush mat chairs and look to the sky with a worried face.

-"What's up Z?" I said as wanted to know what was bothering him.He looked at me slowly and I felt like he wasn't sure about telling me.

-"You can always talk to me you know" I repeated because I wanted him to know that I care. We are best friends after all. After this ,zayn turned his head to the sky again and said:

-"I dont know what to think Haz. Perrie and I having a rough time in our relationship these days. And I don't want to lose her, not like this".he said with a confused and sad look in his face.

Normally I would say comforting things and ensure him forget about his problems even if its just for a night. But this time it was different I didn't know what to say. Maybe because I am not the expert of this topic or maybe because I had crush on him before he started dating Perrie.

Of course I kept my feelings for me and didn't tell anyone because he was happy with Perrie and I kinda didn't want to ruin their relationsip. But now hearing that they are on their bad terms, made me feel different. Like maybe I can have a chance with him.

I cleared up my mind quickly.And told myself "C'mon Harry come to your senses. He is your friend and asking for a help, all you can do is try to comfort him like you always do.

-"Mate,you guys have been trough so many problems before. I am sure you are going to figure everything out. And get back together" I said and couldnt help it and wished for the opposite. may sound selfish but my heart wanted it to be like that.

-"Thanks bro, you are always here for me to listen to my problems. I dont know what did I do to deserve a precious friend like you" he said with a small smile on his face.

-"Oh,c'mon I'm the lucky one here " I said to make him smile more

. After this quick chat of ours we sat in silence a bit which was soothing for me. I threw a glance towards him sometimes but seeing him still thoughtful and worried made me feel sad too.

After half an hour he slowly got up from the chair and said "I should probably get back to my room and I dont want to ruin your night because of my problems, good night Haz. He looked really concerned and made me smile and maybe blush a little after saying my name but I pulled myself together and accompanied him to the door.

After he left, my all tiredness was gone. I sat on my bed and thought about everything. " Do I have chance with him ? ". I hardly went to sleep and try not to think about the fact that Perrie and Zayn can get back together,again.

--Guys it was my first episode and  my first experience in writing on the watpadd. Hope you'll like it.(I might have done gramatical mistakes pls forgive me for that)

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