-The Interview-

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Harry's Pov |2013

In the morning,I was still thinking about last night..The things we talked with Zayn..I was confused because part of me was telling me to help my best friend with his -not going well- relationship but the other part of me..

You know I'm not the biggest fan of their relationship not that I dont like Perrie, I have nothing personal with her and she is really nice to me. Which makes things harder because I am feeling like I'm betraying her.

I slowly got up,made my way to bathroom.After quick,refreshing shower,I dressed up and got out of my room.While I was heading to the room that we use for chatting and playing pinball with  boys I heard someone having a heated conversation on the phone.

I quickly recognised the voice.It was definitely Zayn who is trying to explain something but it seemed like he was being cut off constantly.Suddenly he ended te call and lifted his head and saw me staring at him.I took a step closer to him and looked straight in his eyes.I saw sadness and hopelessness. He slowly talked;

-She wants to take some time apart and I dont even know what that means. Did we broke up?

I looked again to his eyes,I couldnt understand how those hazel always manage to affect me so much.I was so lost inside his eyes till he brought me back to reality.

-Harry? Are you okay? You seem distracted..

-No,no I am alright I just zoned out.I dont think she broke up with you she just needs a time to think. Anyway, you didnt mention what really happened between you guys?

-Well,she thinks we are not as close as we used to be. We are not hanging out so much.Because of that she thinks I dont love her anymo-

-Is she right?

-About what?

-You.. not loving her anymore? I asked I knew I sounded a little excited and felt weird after realizing him looking at me with confused face.But he continued.

-I admit something  changed between us in last couple of weeks but I didn't know it was that serious.. Actually I don't really know what to feel.. I think I just want to focus on job right now

I nodded my head with a understanding face and tried to change the subject:

-I heard Louis grunting in the corridor I guess Liam couldnt find the keys.Well, It was a memorable night for louis I want know the details c'mon lets go meet them. They must be having breakfast.

Zayn smiled at me and we walked through the room. As I expected Louis and Liam was talking about something and Niall was eating his breakfast. God is he going to eat that all by himself? Then we sat next to Niall and opposed to our love birds (!) They stopped arguing after seeing us and when I asked Louis about last night. He was like waiting for this and started to tell everything happened last night. I was laughing hard when I heard Liam forced to Louis to sleep in the couch and how Louis threatened Liam with kicking him out. Liam's exictence annoys Louis sometimes.

-He even tried to call reception for making their keys so lostable. Liam said and bursted into laughter. Louis was really pissed and so done with him and that made situation even more fun.

___2 Hours Later___

Zayn's Pov

We were getting ready for an interview with the boys and I was hoping nobody asks me questions about Perrie. If they would,I was going to answer like everything is normal and cut it short as much as I can. I didnt know what was wrong with me. Maybe I really wasnt loving her as much as I did. But I needed time to think too.

We all sat at the big black couches.I sat beside Niall and Harry,Liam,Louis on the other side of me. It started well we were talking about our new album and concerts. Then the woman who is interviewing us turned to harry and asked;

-Harry,I heard you have a crush as well.. Is that true?

Well, it was obvious that Harry wasnt expecting this. I never really understand why those people are so interested in our private lives. I knew it was their job but I just couldnt imagine myself asking people about their relationships.

-Me? I mean... No I dont have. Harry replied. I knew he was tired of all those assumptions.

Then the next target was me;

-So Zayn you and Perrie ? How is everything with you guys ? You guys are so perfect together and have many fans who supports your relationship.

With that question, I tried to remain calm and tried to remember what I said to myself before. 'Okay Zayn tell her everything is normal and youare really happy and thank the fans for supporting. You can do it its easy' But the words just didnt come out of my mouth. And I saw with the corner of my eye Harry was looking at me. And he suddenly turned to the interviewer and answered with a cheerfull voice;

-Wanna know  the biggest news, Niall is pregnant. Harry said and touched Niall's belly. Niall was confirming him with a big smile. And that distracted the interviewer. She laughed and congratulated him with a -seemed to me- fake smile in her lips. Later, she continued with our future plans and the interview was done.

While we were returning to our common room. I gently grabbed Harry's arm and made him walk with me to the garden I  always go for some fresh air.

-Thank you. I said with a calm voice.He directly understand what I meant.

-No need to thank me everyone would do the same. He said smiling at me

-No,they wouldnt. I really appreciate it. You literally saved me I dont know why I froze like that.

-Its okay. I'll always be there for you. He said and I looked at him kinda suprised and realized he was too. He suddenly corrected ' Thats what friends do right?' I nodded at that and we turned back to the boys. I didn't expect him to say that.

Harry's Pov

After returning to the boys I made an excuse and went to my room. 'WHAT DID I JUST SAIDDD' I was freaking out. I wonder what he thought after I said that. I had to correct myself because he looked at me so suprised. I dont even know what is Zayn's sexuality. Well, obviously he is not gay,but maybe bisexual? God Who I am I kidding he is straight. He would tell me if he is not, would he? There was several questions in my head. To stop them, I told myself: Harry he is your friend wth are you even thinking? Even if he is not straight, why would he like you?

My self-education on Zayn subject interrupted with knock on my door. I went to open it.It was Liam:

-Harry Can I talk to you please?

So what does Liam want to talk about ?

Harry just said something that made him freak out lol. Is that going to make any difference between him and Zayn's relationship?

Thank you everyone who read the first chapter and voted for it,I want to write more often ..So if you liked it so far, you can leave comments I really appereciate it.

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