"N-no.. It was strange but I'm okay." I replied. She chuckled a bit as we walked.

"Good that you're okay Kulaas. Oora said you'd come, and I saw it. It's what I do as the seer. I get visions. My kind have been called many things.. but we like seer." She smiled.

"Are you the Oracle?" I asked.

"Oh no no, she's believed to be dead by now Kulaas. I am just a seer, she was more. More precise, she is the keeper of prophecies. I only see what the Dragon Gods think I need to see and when I need to see those things." She explained. I nodded, understanding what she meant somewhat.

"So what was the point of before?" I asked her, still curious about the need for me to be undressed in front of random strangers.

"That was for me. My visions. I knew it was you but to be sure you needed to bare yourself to me so I could see into you. If you were whole I would be able to see it and know the truth of you, if you were not whole... well then I'd have gutted you right then and there." She said in a serious tone. I got chills down my back for a moment.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.

"You're Kulaas. Only our Kulaas is the chosen one, one of the seven. She will save our people and provide a future for us. Without her... we're gone, nothing. We will be nothing, not even the wind will carry our name on it. I had to be sure you were her." She said as she stopped walking. I turned more to face her better.

"So I am the true mate? Why have I not transformed? Why have I-"

"What are you saying Kulaas?" She asked, stopping me from my ramblings. "Of course you're whole. You are a Dragon, a full Dragon. You have not released your dragon yet?" She asked curiously, she didn't seem worried at all and a part of me started to feel like a moron for doubting so much.

"No..." I replied. Nia laughed and nodded.

"Kulaas was worried. Yes, you are fine Kulaas. There's no need to fret. Come come, if you have not shown your other self you must do so. Come come." She took my hand and pulled me along with her. Jungkook followed behind us. We entered another long corridor and came out to another wide open area. The only difference in this area was a tube in the center.

"This, we go up here." She said as she continued to pull me along. We stepped into the tube structure, there was a metal lift inside. Once Jungkook and myself were on the lift she pulled a level on the side and the floor started to rise with us on it. I held onto Jungkook and a thin rail that wrapped around the lift. Jungkook didn't seem worried but I was inwardly freaking out. The horrible screeching sounds it made only made me fear for my life more. Jungkook seemed to find it amusing but he gently rubbed his thumb along my hand as he held it in his.
Once the contraption stopped my heart felt like it dropped into my stomach. We stepped off the lift to be greeted by the night. I hadn't looked up but there on top of the mountain we were apparently under it was nothing but an ocean trees bellow us and the night sky above us twinkled with stars. I smiled up as I looked at all the stars, it was a beautiful sight. I looked back around where we were and we walked along with Nia till we came to a wider area away from the lift.

"This place is beautiful." Jungkook said as he looked around.

"Of course you like it Jul. It's you. Earth Dragons use to venture here, there was a temple here that once belonged to the Dragon God Ri-Gol. It was a place Earth Dragons gathered to, they celebrated and your father came here and held the annual harvest feast. You came here once but you were but a newborn dragonling, I doubt you remember." Nia replied. Jungkook looked around with bright widened eyes.

"The war cleared it out?" He asked. Nia looked down solemnly and nodded. "Those bastards will pay... and we'll fix this place up again. I promise." He said as he looked at her. She looked up and smiled at him.

Dragon Kings: The Youthful King✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें