Chapter 1

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Found a wonderful image, not mine tho.

The magnificent bird sat up and observed its surroundings. Its day of terrorizing the lesser beings had been interrupted by a fall into a hole. Now, it was sitting on a decently sized flower bed.
Surrounded by yellow flowers.
...delicious yellow flowers...

The goose craned its neck and began to consume. It has barely eaten one flower before a very different flower popped up.
"Hey! What the heck do you think you're doing?"

The bird paused its eating to consider these words. The flowers had never spoken to it before, but it was only natural for them to complain at some point.

It honked with great apathy and tore off another beakful of petals.
The talking flower groaned. "Ugh. Stop eating those flowers! They're practically my family! Do you have no shame?!?"

The bird ruffled its white feathers and honked shamelessly.

The flower sighed. "Well, I guess you can't be blamed. You're new to the Underground, aren't you?" His face stretched into a wide grin. "Let me show you how it works around here."

The goose stops its consumption to observe the activity of the intelligent plant.

"See that heart? That's your SOUL, the very culmin- wait."
There is a very noticeable lack of SOUL anywhere near the goose.

The goose honks once before leaving the destroyed flower bed and walking down a corridor.

As it emerges, the flower is there. "Hey! I told you to wait!"
The goose honks in you didn't wait either.

"Oh alright. Fine. But there's still something I really need to show you." The flower produces a number of white pellets. "Here in the Underground, we love spreading LOVE. LOVE is spread through little white... 'Friendliness pellets.' Get as many as you can, goose."

The goose is not interested in LOVE. The goose wants chaos. So it charges at the flower, disregarding the pellets.

The flower shrieks and disappears into the dirt.

The goose delivers a loud, triumphant victory honk. The sound echoes throughout the room, and a nearby monster turns her head. She shrugs it off as a product of living alone.

After all, there's no way that a goose could have once again gotten into the Underground.


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