"How dare you say such things!" Tessa gasped, putting a paw to her heart

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"How dare you say such things!" Tessa gasped, putting a paw to her heart. "I don't know how your father is raising you, but considering he did it here, in this mush of the earth, it can't be good." She put her paws on her hips, and leaned down to face Tweak. "I am going to make sure you get some real discipline." She stated firmly, tilting Tweak's head to look at her. "I'm in charge of you now, and I'll make sure you're raised right. Unlike you're no accounts father." She spat the words, as if Tweak's father were a blister, and not her brother-in-law.

"But," Tweak swallowed again, not liking her aunt. "Mommy says Daddy is the sweetest person she's ever known." Aunt Tessa' features softened for a moment. Then, she leaned down, smiled at Tweak, and whispered, "You're Mommy...was a TWIT." She flipped her hair. "My sister was never a smart one. Why she decided to live here, I don't know. Such a dimwit she always was, and I expect her daughter was the same." She eyes Tweak. "Looking upon her, it would seem I was right. We'll have to stamp that out of you." Her expression suddenly turned nice. "Children, why don't you take your...friend...outside and play?" Nicky and Cody grinned at each other. "I hope she screams like Lila." Cody giggled like mad, and grabbed Tweak's arms, yanking her out the door.

Tweak watched her cousins run about, whooping with joy to have so much space. She turned to her cousin Lila. The orange furred rabbit made a noise of disgust, and turned away.

"Hey Tweak!" Tweak looked up at Nicky. "Let's play a super fun game! It's called 'Ball Break.'" Tweak tipped her head. "How do you play?"

"Well, YOU stand over here," Nicky placed her against a tree, "And don't move." Cody went around and around the tree, tying her up. Tweak gulped. "uhh...Nicky?" Nicky and Cody began to pelt her with balls. tweak screamed, and called for her aunt, who simply looked out the window, rolled her eyes, and closed the curtains.

"I have to stay here?" Lila eyed her baby cousin's room with repulsion.

"Just until the guest room is set up for you, darling." Tessa assured, also seeing the room through eyes of disgust.

"This is a baby room!" Lila whined, but her mother ignored her, and went to go make tea for Marsh, who'd just gotten home.

Tweak looked at her cousin, before turning to her shelf, and taking a book down. "Will you read a fairy tale?" Lila looked at Tweak, her nose upturned, before grabbing the book, and ripping it's pages out.

"Hey!" Tweak cried, moving to take it back, But Lila sim ply pushed her down, relishing in the feeling of power against her young cousin. Years of abuse from her brothers made it a huge relief to have a cousin smaller and weaker than her.

Tweak watched as Lila finished with the book, tears streaming down her face. "Mommy used to read those to me." She whimpered. Lila marched right up into Tweak's face, and screamed; "Stop crying!" She stormed up to the shelves, and turned to her cousin. "Everything in this room is mine."

"No it's not. It's mine." Tweak protested. Lila ignored her, opened the drawers, and started flinging clothes out. "These drawers are mine."

"Hey!" Tweak cried, trying to pick it up, but Lila turned to her, aghast. "Leave that alone!" Then, Lila started taking things off the shelves, including a toy Ferris wheel Tweak's mother had brought to her from New York. She looked at it in disgust. "This is mine."

"Mommy got that for me!"

"This is mine, and I don't like it." Lila threw it to the floor, where it shattered. "You're mother was stupid and awful." Lila could only think of how her mother never got anything for HER. How come Tweak's mother got her daughter nice presents when Lila had to put up with her mother's wrath? All Tessa could ever think about was how awful Jessica, Tweak's mother, was to her, and took that out on Lila. So why would such an awful woman bring her daughter nice presents, and ignore her own sister in favor of it?

Tweak began crying again as Lila destroyed more things from her mother. Marsh heard the noise, and wandered in. "Tweak! What happened?" Lila switched to victim mode in a second. "Uncle Marsh! I tried to stop her, but she was so angry, she destroyed all these things."

"No, I didn't." Tweak sniffled, pointing at Lila. "She did!"

"She destroyed all the nice things her mother got her."

"I know Tweak would never do that." Marsh lifted his daughter. "Lila, you are in a lot of trouble." He left to go find Tessa, and Lila grabbed Tweak's arm. "Baby tattletale. I'll set you straight."

Lila approached Marsh a few months later, when she was a little older. If Marsh thought his daughter was an angel, then that was easily fixed.

"Uncle Marsh? I don't think you really know you're daughter."

With a few well placed words, Lila got her uncle thinking her cousin might actually be a trouble maker.

Tweak looked forward immensely to high school.

She had been home schooled her whole life. with Lila.

Lila had made it her mission to turn Tweak's life into a nightmare. Tweak's father blamed her for her own cousins misdeeds. Her aunt thought of her as nothing beyond spit on the floor. And Lila had never once told the truth.

She lied.

Tweak's relationship with her father had turned rocky. He never stood up for her when her cousins or aunt bullied her. They'd brainwashed him. So, she strayed away.

'Just a few more years.' she reminded herself. 'Then I'm out of here. Just a few more years, and everything will be better.' She would make her own life, and never have to worry about her family again.

She tucked a music box into her schoolbag. It was the only thing she had left of her mother that she took everywhere with her, to ensure Lila never destroyed it.

Her father had already left for work. It was likely Tweak would not see him until the next day, or the day after.

She walked out of the house, breathed the fresh air, and began the brisk walk to school, finally feeling free.

Lila wasn't about to let her cousins feel free.

She didn't need everyone knowing she had to live in the swamps her whole life, thanks to her crybaby cousin.

'I have tinnitus from saving a rock star's kitten on a plane when I was younger.' Crazy tales about Lila spun and wove through the school, and she was the most popular girl in no time, acting kind and sweet in front of everyone else. But, she knew her cousins was coming to this school, even though she tried to convince her uncle she was in no way ready to go to public school. Tweak would unmask Lila's lies in seconds flat.

She couldn't allow this.

"...So,I tried to give her a present; a Ferris wheel I got from my trip in New York. But she threw it to the ground, and blamed the mess on me!" Lila wailed, allowing her classmates to comfort her. That was just when Tweak walked up to the school court yard, and took in her new surroundings. Her heart sank when she saw her cousin.

"There she is! Don't let her get me!" Lila screamed, hiding in a boys chest. Immediately, Tweaks new classmates turned on her. For something she didn't even know about.

Tweak started to cry. Her classmates laughed.

Tweak vowed that, from that day on, she would never show anyone she could be pushed around.

She learned not to trust anyone.

Who knows what they can do?

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