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TW: Implied child abuse.

Once upon a time, there was a couple.

A couple with two completely different partners. Polar opposites that attracted.

And one day, the couple decided they wanted to get a little doll. So they made one.

However... they got a faulty doll. The doll had a few scrapes here and there, it was frowning, and in general, it was unlikable. It was cursed. It had difficulty being like the other dolls. It looked like it was depressed, and nobody wanted it, because it didn't look good either.

But you see, the thing is that dolls don't cry. Dolls don't complain. They just sit there, beautiful and pretty. What comes out of their mouths doesn't matter (although in this one's case, the words were what decided her fate). All they have to do, is smile and stay pretty.

But you see, this doll was broken. This doll was sad. Whenever it did something good, the couple praised it, clapped in its honor, and showered it in attention.

When it did something wrong, they were upset. The couple screamed and shouted, and even hurt the doll at times. The doll's first years with the couple were torture.

The Man looked at the doll for a second, before placing it in front of himself and his wife.

"Now then, come here to take a look t you. Cruel and sarcastic attitude, annoyed posture, rebellious look in the eye... and you don't put effort into your appearance either. I could go on and on about the things that ruin your image, but it's a very long list." He said, as he held the doll's chin in his hand.

The doll looked back at him, with those brown and innocent eyes of it, filled with life. Not for long though.

The doll watched, powerless, as the couple molded it, trimmed it, shaped it into two different models, one that each person liked. The doll had to dela with cracks when it was small, but eventually, those healed with time... physically, that is.

After spending so much time with the couple, enduring everything, the couple took the doll and placed it on the table. "Let's have a look at you" He said, and the doll knew what to do.

She stood there, beautiful, when taking care of its appearance was an everyday chore. Had the doll been a human, it would have been depressed, who struggled to even get out of bed because of how miserable it is.

The Woman clapped her hands and the Man smirked in pride. "Respectful attitude, contrite and guilty posture, obedient and reserved look in the eyes... But still not the perfect doll. Remember, Porcelain. What you say doesn't matter. It's all about appearance. That's how others approach you."

The doll was placed against a mirror, as if it had to look at it's reflection. What had it become? It was pretty, it was skinny, it was perfect, but at what cost?

Nobody knows. Why?

Because dolls don't complain.
Dolls don't cry.
They just sit there, beautiful and PERFECT.

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