Part 7 - New Plan

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Zero Two briefly explains what she had seen. The others wear shocked faces as she describes more about the events that occurred.
Nana and Hachi are in the room as well listening to Zero Two.

"Oh my gosh" says Ichigo, she covers her mouth and her eyes squench.

"But why would they be doing something like that? It just doesn't make sense" says Kokoro
They stare down blankly at the floor, silence fills the room.

"I can't think of why they'd do such a thing but Im pretty certain of sure what I saw" says Zero Two
"It's bizarre but I'm telling you truth"

It's just solid silence. Disbelief presses among their faces, they are unsure what to do, they could try again but it wouldn't end in not only Zero Two getting beaten but the whole squad 13. They were lucky enough to even be alive right now, so if they did it again, for sure there would be big trouble.
This is your final warning.

"We can get you to Hiro" says Hachi.
Nana looks at him, she has a concerned look on her face.

"Hachi, should we really be doing this?" She asks.
It is a heavy risk for not only the children but anyone else who helps, meaning Nana and Hachi could both lose their positions or worse.

"If we're seen, we could lose our positions and Papa will-"
She is interrupted.
"If what Zero Two says is true, they're toying with a human life and tampering with it for their experiments" explains Hachi
"Helping these children find their friend shouldn't even be a second thought, even if it means losing our positions"

Nana smiles with reassurance, Hachi has become more human-like over the time with working with these kids. She nods her head ever so slightly.
The squad smile, they have hope that the second time they will prevail.

"So what's the plan?" Says Zorome.
With the help of Nana and Hachi, they are at better risk of being unseen.

Nana explains the plan.
"I will head to HQ, they have security details there that I can easily access. For a short amount of time I will shut the system down where all doors in that part of the sector will be easily accessible, requiring no rank."
"However, this will be for 10 minutes at most until the back up generator kicks in and they fully restart the system. Not only will this shut down the system, but many workers inside should be provoked to stop their activities to fix the shut down. Of course, it won't mean no one will be in the sector still, there may be a few people including Dr. Franxx but if you work fast and smart, it will be hard to be seen. All cameras will be shut off with this as well during the 10 minutes."

The plan sounds promising, though a shut down hasn't happened in years and would be seen as suspicious.

"I will head with you children, I know combat and can fight off those who dare to harm you" says Hachi

The squad smile, this is a heavy risk, if they are seen the second time, they know they'll be in trouble for sure. They are risking their lives as well as Hiro's humanity.
Will they make it in time?

"Let's go get Hiro!"

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