Part 4 - Injection

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Their plan is ready to be put into place. They follow behind Hiro all at once, though they are far enough away for him not to notice. A lady who is the assistant walks beside him. As Hiro walks, his long white coat jumps up and down on its ends.
They walk for a bit, heading to the the opposite side of the plantation. They go unnoticed the entire time, Nana and Hachi would know by now that everyone hasn't attended lunch and they probably know what the group is up to but will pretend not to notice.
As they walk along the building, the walls begin to change, meaning they are no longer within the area they need to be, there's no going back now.
Ahead they see Hiro walk through a plasma door along with the suspicious lady, the door will only open to people with an SS rank which seemingly, Hiro had been given access to.

"What do we do now?" Futoshi asks.
"None of us here has the access to go through"

They stare at each other for a brief moment.

"I do" says Zero Two.
She holds up her hand which displays 'rank SS' she is allowed in places like these.

"Where did you get that?" Ichigo asks.
"Aha...I always had this permission" she laughs
The group is unsure of how they'll all get through at once.

"We're going to lose them" says Mitsuru
"We need to hurry"

They are unsure of what to do as Zero Two is the only one with permission to enter. Time is running out.
"I'll go in there and disable the system, wait here until I do so"
She runs off and walks through the plasma door, the group aren't given many options so they silently agree with her as she runs off.
Luckily, she catches up to Hiro and the mysterious women that walks beside him.
There are now a lot of people around, presumably workers in this part of the plantation which poses a problem as  Zero Two's horns are an easy target.
"Why would Darling be here?" She continues to walk down the white corridor filled with bright yellow lights reflecting into her eyes.
"This part of the sector belongs to experimenting with new weapons"
it is also the very sector that Zero two spent her young life in. These rooms were like a chamber to her and held very close memories that she'd rather forget.
She continues to keep a close tail to Hiro, as well as finding the computer room to disable the system doors.
Finally, Hiro enters one of the rooms with a few other people, with masks covering their eyes. The room is large and holds a small bed in the centre, a table in the back and chair with cuffs on it towards the back corner. Hiro is accompanied by Dr Franxx, the genius behind the Franxx's operating systems.
Hiro sits on the small chair in the centre of the room. He removes his large coat and is forced to wear nothing but white shorts.

"016, today will conclude your experiments" says Dr Franxx in a rather cheerful voice.
"My second greatest creation!" He continues, Zero Two can hardly hear what he is saying. It sounds like gibberish through the thick glass walls.

Hiro lays back on the bed, they seem to be taking some bloods, and checking his his heart rate. They begin to check around his mouth and eyes. Hiro doesn't like this, he looks uncomfortable but doesn't say a word.

Dr Franxx smiles the entire time, he mumbles a few words but it is hard to hear through the glass of what he is saying.
I best get to finding the Disabling room
But as she is about to leave she looks at Hiro one last time. She moves closer to the glass window, though she is unseen, she can hear what they are discussing now.

"We will begin the process in 2 minutes" says one of the masked persons.
"Excellent!" Replies doctor Franxx

They move Hiro to the chair in the back corner of the room, he is cuffed to the chair against his will, they handle him like an object. His eyes are full of rage, he doesn't want this. Whatever they have been doing to Hiro has scarred him.

"I will begin injecting him with the blood Dr" says one of the subjects.
She holds a large needle which seems to be filled with a dark blue liquid. A blue liquid

Could that be Klaxosaur blood?
They are injecting him with klaxosaur blood?!

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