
"we've been trying for a year now it's not going to happen" Amara shrugged 

"don't say that you my never know" she put the pregnancy test down sitting on the bed trying not to cry 

"I don't know what's wrong with my body every since I had Olivia it hasn't been the same" Matthew stood over Amara taking a squat in front of her as she cried 

"and we are going to keep trying as much as I love that kid hell I even consider her my own child its just-" he scratched the back of his neck sitting on the bed next to her "I know she isn't mine-"

"you said you were okay with that" Amara quickly cut him off he shook his head 

"I am I just want to be able to sign my own child birth certificate you know because I never got the chance to sign Oli's" Amara nodded 

"I don't want to give up" 

"and we won't hell even if that means I give you 4 more babies" he pulled her down on the bed with her causing them to lay back making them laugh together 

a knock at the bedroom door made the sit up the door knob twisted and little Olivia came through the door 

"mommy its itchy" she tried to pull of the small scarf she had on Amara opened her arms and Olivia ran into them

"I don't like this" Oli scratched her head trying to take off the scarf again 

"no Oli keep it on I'll just buy you a different one" Amara fixed Olivia scarf throwing her on the bed making her laugh 

"again again" she stood up holding her hands up 


"you got everything right?" Miles asked 

Charlie fixed his shirt nodding as they sat in the car in front of the prison Miles smiled at Charlie 

"well what do you want to do now that you're a free man?" 

"find Amara" Miles groaned 

"its always Amara this Amara that when the hell is it ever going to be about Charlie? when are you going to put yourself first?" Charlie rolled his eyes 

"When I find Amara" 

"you already got her close friends killed when are you going to stop?" 

Charlie looked at Miles with a straight face causing Miles to nervously chuckle 


"yeah I bet you are" Charlie cleared his throat "pull off I'm tired of this place" 

"did you-" Miles pulled off "you know take it up the butt?" Charlie cringed 

"no but ask all the other guys who assholes that are destroyed-"

"okayyyy" Miles drove further from the prison "I'll take you to a clinic first" 


Amara searched for Olivia shoe size as they were in the store Olivia played with her Spiderman toy 

Olivia dropped her toy by mistake it slid across the floor she quickly ran after it but by the time she got to it someone was already holding the toy for her 

"um that's mine" Olivia pointed to the toy in the tall man hand 

Amara noticed that it quiet around her so she looked down and didn't see Olivia she started to panic 

"Olivia!" she quickly dropped the shoe quickly walking around the store 

"Olivia this isn't funny!" Amara chest felt like it was closing in she couldn't breathe 

"but mommy said-" Olivia scratched her arm looking up at the man 

"its okay I know your mommy" she took her toy back from him

Olivia walked back ignoring the man 

 Amara yanked Olivia up quickly once she saw her making Olivia laugh 

"what did I tell you about running off? HUH?!" Olivia heard how serious her mother was and she  started to cry 

"I'm sorry" 

Amara never felt more heated in her life she looked around as she held on to her crying daughter 


okey but can we talk about how cute OLIVIA IS LIKE AWEEEE mannn

do you feel bad that Oli is calling Matthew her father? 

they finally let my mans out of jail :>

was it still too short? listen- I really do be trying, so im sorry 

ObsessionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora