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  "do you see that?"

The doctor pointed towards the lower part of the screen trying to show Amara and her father the baby

"No I don't see it" she tried to look closer but the doctor shook her head moving her hand around again

"don't worry about it babies tend to be shy" she started wiping away the gel "you're only 3 months anyway let's give it some more time okay?"

"b-but you said-" the doctor nodded

"we can't tell just yet but I can reassure you this little fella is going to be strong" she smiled

Amara father thanked the doctor as she walked out of the room

"I really wanted to know the gender" she tried to get up

"it's okay for now let's just focus on keeping you and that baby strong and steady" she nodded watching her father grab her bag

"You don't have to worry about it bubba" she smiled

there was a knock at the hospital door she looked at her father in panic he shook his head holding up his hands

"relax" he opened the door slowly

Detective Davis walked in slowly looking around as her father frowned

"can I help you?" her father studied the detective

"no but I do have to talk to Ms Amara here" detective Davis pointed towards Amara

"she's not able to talk right now maybe another time" detective Davis looked at her she looked away

"she doesn't seem busy to me" he sat in the hospital chair next to the bed

"Detective" she looked at him with dead eyes

"call me Matthew" he held his hand out she frowned looking at his hand

"okay Detective Davis" she folded her arms "how can I help you and how did you even get through to-"

"so this Charlie guy" he cut her off causing Amara to freeze up

"excuse me?" Amara father sat down in the corner

"He contacted you 78 times did you know that?" Matthew pulled out some papers

"I don't understand what does he have to do with-"

"and he also murdered someone at a walgreens right along with the bodies in his house-"

"you found those?"

Matthew smirked shaking his head moving the papers around

"so you knew about the bodies and didn't mention them Amara?"

"no I mentioned it to the police station they-"

"you actually haven't" he showed her the phone call log

"I have!" she narrowed her eyes at him

"They would of written it down" he shrugged
"The fact that he called 78 times is very-"

"stupid" Amara quickly said
"interesting" he said at the same time

"what does he want from you?"

"control...please detective Davis just go" she pointed towards the door

"I do have a few more questions-"

"she said she wants you to go give the girl her space" Matthew got up holding his hands up he grabbed the paper off the bed

2 months later (in my spongebob voice)

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