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3 years later

Things started to move along before Amara had the baby Matthew started to hang around her more she thought it was to get more information on Charlie but it turns out he was actually attracted to her

Matthew stopped asking her questions about Charlie and what happened in the pass as they moved forward they ended up being together for 3 years

Amara father Oliver and Matthew took liking to each other and their relationship got stronger to help Amara our with the baby she felt like things were finally working out in her favor

Matthew and Oliver ended up being the only male figures in her daughters life which was fine with Amara because they were both great people and all she wants is a positive life for her baby

Amara stopped working for that ran down diner and ended up working at a pet clinic she enjoys working with the animals and it makes her even more happy when she brings Olivia in as she works

The door open causing the bells to chime Amara kept her focus on the small Shih tzu she was grooming for surgery later on 

"mommy look mommy!" 

"Olivia please relax" Olivia stopped right in her tracks when she saw her mother cutting the dogs hair 

"hi doggie does it hurt?" she took a squat in front of the dogs face making Amara laugh Matt walked in a few seconds after Olivia 

"this is my mommy and daddy where is yours?" Olivia pointed to the dog with her pineapple lollipop 

The dog tried to lick the lollipop but Amara quickly stopped it "Oli back up with food what did I tell you?"

"but mommy look the doctor gave me this" Amara turned the clippers off looking at what her daughter was showing her 

"They only gave her a small shot Oli was crying about it before they even gave her the shot" Matthew laughed causing Amara to laugh 

"i'm a big girl they gave me a sticker and lollipop" she put the lollipop in her mouth walking towards Matthew 

"mommy has to finish this I'll be right with you in a second" Amara turned back around continuing what she was doing before 

"papa" Matthew looked down at Olivia "I don't want it anymore" she tried to hand him a half finish lollipop with spit running down the stick 

He took it throwing it out in the trashcan right beside him 

Once Amara got done with everything she had to do another co-worker came in to take over the shift so she could leave for the day 

They were walking towards the car holding Olivia hand 

"your hands are super sticky" Amara sighed as Olivia smiled looking up at her mother 

"mommy" Matthew unlocked the car door for them as Amara helped Olivia in the car putting her into her carseat 

"Oli what do you want for dinner?" Matthew asked starting up the car as Amara put on her seatbelt 

"Mcdonalds" she smiled causing Matthew to sigh 

"Oli you never even had McDonald's what-"

"uh huh! grandpa let me have it! I want a toy!"

"no" Matthew and Amara said at the same time causing Olivia to pout 

"you know what we have food in the house" Amara said as Matthew pulled off Olivia started to kick her feet 

"cut it out" Amara looked back Olivia stopped right away 

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