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Destination: Lobby

POV: Third Person

Adora was sleeping on the couch.

Catra and Scorpia were whispering, "How the hell is she here?!? WHY is she here?" Catra asked, "Well she did say she came for you." Perfuma smiled sweetly. "Yeah but she might be here just to get away from the press and stress." Scropia added, Perfuma threw Scorpia a glare, "Positive energy only!" she reminded her wife.

"No, she is right... I am just a dumb excuse to get away." Catra said sounding a little disappointed. "SHH! She is waking up-" Adora yawned and turned to Catra, "Hi!" she smiled getting up.

Catra's eyes widened as Adora put her arms around her waist from behind and snuggled on her shoulder.

"Get off of me!" "Why? You are so comfy!" Adora said softly, Catra's cheeks turned bright red.

"I don't like people getting touchy with me." Catra shot at Adora, "Well then why have you not pushed me away if you dislike it that much." Adora smirked.

Catra pushed her away.

"Happy?" Catra asked, "No, but bet that you were." Adora flirted.

"Ugh, why are you really here?!?" Catra asked, "The REAL reason Adora, not some lame excuse that you wanted to help me get ready." Catra demanded for the truth.

"I genuinely want to help you. I see something in you Catra, something that sparks, I want to help you win and become better, something the audience will love and devour, I want you to be better than me." Adora explained.

"W-wait, better than you?" Catra asked.

Adora grabbed her luggage and walked to the elevator, "Wait! I am not done with you!" Catra said as she jumped in the elevator but fell on the floor, full face on the ground.

Adora bent down, "You okay?" she asked as she picked up Catras face with her hand.

Catra met Adora's eyes.

Adora never really got to see Catra more than a good distance, so she studied her.

Different colored eyes, puffy hair, freckles that made Catra, well, Catra. Adora then realized how no one looked as good with freckles as Catra did.

Catra got up. "What floor?" she asked, "Ah! So she is polite!" Adora smiled, "Shut up before I regret it." Catra glared, "Oh! My floor is the 49th!" Adora said.

Catra turned to face the buttons, deep down, she knew, this is what she needed.

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