300 15 2

Destination: NYC

The big APPLE!

POV: Third Persons

"WHO THE HELL POSTED IT?!?" Catra shouted at everyone in the room, "Calm down Catra. It was our kids." Scorpia said pointing at her kids who were hiding behind Perfuma.

"Well tell them to delete it! It went viral and this could make Adora think I admire her." The two eyed feline scowled.

"Yeah but.. don't you?" Perfuma asked, "Yeah, no." Catra glared.

"Wait.. Adora, the girl who has blue eyes and blonde hair?" Scorpia asked, "Duh, who else?" Catra asked.

"Uh, Catra, she checked in at the hotel, she is in the bath tub-" Catra ran up the stairs.

'No way she could be here-' Catra thought as she kept running all the stairs from a 30 story building.

'Why do I even care?' she asked herself. 'Why would she even be here? Maybe this could be Scorpia jumping into conclusions! There is no way THE Adora would be here-' she opened the door to the top floor and saw a specific lean blonde in the bath tub.

Wearing a small... well.. bathing suit.

"Hey Catra." The blonde smirked.

"W-what are you doing here?!?" Catra asked nervously as the hourglass blonde got up slowly. "What do you think I am doing?" Adora asked as she got out and walked towards Catra, "I am here for you~" she smirked as she let her fingers pass by through Catras chin.

Catra's cheeks got red, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" She shouted grabbing Adoras hand and putting it down.

"AND WHAT IS THE REAL REASON YOU ARE HERE?!? TO TAUNT ME?" Catra shouted. "Oh, quite the opposite actually."  Adora said, "I will explain once you let go of my hand though." she smiled, Catra let go inmedeatly. 

Adora turned around and walked towards the pool chair and sat down slowly, "The sun is quite lovely today." Adora said as she stretched, flexing her body, the sun hit her shiny skin.

"Get to the point." "Alright." Adora said, she took off the scrunchie from her hair that held the ponytail.

Her golden hair flowed around "I am here-" she stopped as she put her hands down to lean on them, "To coach you." Adora winked, "You have been out of the game and now that the video is out~" Adora winked and got up.

"I know you have not lost your game." Adora said looking down at Catra.

"Hey, eyes are up here." Catra said snapping.

"Right." Adora said with a sly grin.

"Ugh, I do not even want to return to the game. I just missed skating." Catra scoffed, Adora grabbed both of her shoulder, "Stop lying to yourself, I know you have it in you, You are just.. scared of losing." Adora whispered.

Catra's eyes widened quickly.

"Wait what?"

Catradora Ice Skating AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ