Chapter 4.

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Anakin's POV


I took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. I was standing on the landing ramp of our ship, my bionic hand holding onto one of the silver struts along the side, unwilling to let go. In just a few steps, I would be setting foot on the very planet on which my mother had died. And our search was taking us near Mos Espa, my hometown. But I had a job to do, and I needed to get my head in the game. It was easier said than done.

My fingers slipped off the strut as I stepped off the ramp, squashing the memories that surged from the familiar crunch of sand under my black boots. I faced Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, both of whom watched me in concern, so I tried to smile. "Where to first?"

"This is why we need you, Anakin," Obi-Wan started, putting on his business voice. "Our sources have traced Asajj here, but we have no specific location. Where would be the best place to get lost?"

I thought for a moment, mapping out the town in my head as I picked out the best hiding spots. I had to separate past from present as scenes of playing hide-and-seek games with my young friends came back to me. Gesturing with my hand, I began heading towards the dusty town. "Come on. Let's go this way." As an afterthought, I commented, "Try to keep a low profile. These people don't take kindly to outlanders."

I led the way into the wide streets, unconcerned by the twin suns which beat down relentlessly on the dome-roofed, sand-covered houses and on anyone and everyone who dared dash out of the shadows caused by them. Stalls with vendors hawking their wares lined the main streets, and people of all sizes and races moseyed around, some of them leading animals and others fingering their latest purchase. Eyes, both friendly and unfriendly, were trained on us as we made our way to the dilapidated, more dodgy part of Mos Espa.

Glancing back to the others, I warned in a low tone, "Keep your eyes open. This is the kind of place that bounty hunters and others with ... less honourable professions inhabit. They'll take one look at us and start counting the dataries they could get from us."

"Does that apply to our suspect, as well?" Obi-Wan questioned quietly, his blue eyes darting around the dark alleys that we were approaching.

I stepped over a pile of trash that had been strewn ungraciously on the ground before answering. "Yes, I'd say it would."

"That means it's going to be even harder to find her, then, doesn't it?" Ahsoka asked, tucking her arms tighter around herself as a gust of wind plastered a scrap of paper to the remains of a tumble-down house, sprinkling us with a fresh dusting of sand.

"Yeah," I responded distractedly, picking up the piece of paper that was now fluttering to the ground.

"What's that?" Ahsoka curiously popped her head around my shoulder.

"It's a bit of paper," I responded with a smirk, then a frown crossed my face as I mumbled the barely intelligible words. "'Wanted: Jedi Masters, Knights, and Padawans. Reward for successful capture and detainment.' And the rest of the paper has been ripped, so I don't know who's asking for this." I looked up at the dubious faces of Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. "It's probably a poor bounty hunter sticking up these posters." I tossed it into a rubbish pile and shrugged. "We'd better be even more careful, then."

"So no tricks, right, Skyguy?" Ahsoka offered cheekily but watched me tentatively as though afraid of my response.

I smirked. "Yeah, no tricks."

Her shy smile could have lit up the alleyway.

It wasn't long before we reached a low building with broken windows and lots of noise coming from inside. Three narrow steps, covered in dust and grime, led up to the front door, which stood open, allowing a faintly unpleasant odour to waft out onto the back streets. Though Obi-Wan and Ahsoka would be able to walk in straight-backed, I knew I would have to duck to enter through the door. As I stooped, about to go in, a memory flashed into my mind. I could almost feel Mother grabbing my hand and pulling me back.

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