"What did you expect?" I ask him rhetorically before making my way to the living room.

            Farkle, Maya, Riley, Lucas, a girl a little bit taller than Maya, and a guy about the same height as Lucas are all stood in a semi circle. The two new comers both have a look of shock and wonder written across their face. Maya, Riley, and Farkle are all wearing smiles on their face and looking like they are right at home here. However, Lucas looks like he would rather be anywhere else but here.

             He either hasn't told Maya about what had happened right before they left, or he just really would rather be anywhere but here. I'm pretty sure it's both the former and the latter in this situation.

                           "Zuri, are we still watching tv or not?" Stuart asks, looking at me from between the curtain and the wall. He looks over to his left only to light up at the sight of our guests. "Hey, I know you!"

                Stuart walks out of the screening room and walks over to stand in front of Farkle. "My parents are huge fans of your father," Stuart says as a way of greeting and sticks his hand out for Farkle to shake. "I'm Stuart Wooten."

                    "Farkle Minkus," Shaking Stuart's hand, Farkle introduces.

                "Farkle, my man!" Ravi exclaims happily, walking into the room from the kitchen. He walks over to Farkle and does some weird handshake. 

                          "Ravi, my man!" Farkle says with a happy look. 

                  Ravi looks over to the new guy and girl standing on the end of the semi circle. "Hi, I'm Ravi." He introduces himself to the girl first.

                  "My name is Isadora Smackle but feel free to call me Smackle." Smackle introduces, shaking hands with Ravi.

                       "Nice to meet you, Smackle," Ravi gives her a friendly smile before moving onto the guy standing beside her. 

                           "Isaiah Babineaux but I prefer to go by Zay." Zay says, making it clear that he would rather be called Zay for short.

                     "Zay's a pretty cool name." Ravi compliments, shaking hands with Zay like he had done with Smackle.

                               "Heads up!" Luke yells from the top of the stairs. 

                  He shoots an arrow with a bow, and we all duck instinctively. The arrow soars over our heads with the sound of air around it. It ends up flying into the kitchen, and we hear the sound of glass breaking followed by Bertram's angry rant.

                               Bertram comes out of the kitchen with the arrow in his right hand. "Somebody owes me a new mug," 

                           We all stand up and look up at the top of the stairs where Luke is stood with the bow behind his back and a sheepish look on his face. He slowly backs up to the hallway where our rooms are before turning and sprinting back to his room.

                           "I should've known that's who decided to play archery in the penthouse." Bertram glares up at the hallway entrance upstairs before disappearing back into the kitchen to go clean up the mess Luke had created.

                       "Where's Emma?" Riley asks, looking around the room in search of her.

                  "Has everyone come in here to greet you guys yet?" Emma asks, standing in the entry to the small hallway where our faces on painted on the wall.

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