P.4 p.2

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...Then a girl, with lavender hairs, walks into the room.

Everyone look at her except people who are watching the TV since they didn't know.
" Everyone!.." start the girl, but she got interrupt by Endou.
" Fuyuppe! You come in time." Said Endou while putting the cookie in her lip which making her confuse.
" Huh?... W.h..at... it." Fuyuka try to said something, but the words are unclear since cookie is in her mouth.
" Ah! Don't worry, it won't take long. Just stay still and bit this cookie for a while." Said Endou, and that makes Fuyuka look at him with more confusing.
" There! We just found someone for you, so it's up to you now to find out whether you're weak or not." Said Endou to Gouenji, and everyone nods their head. But Gouenji just stand still.
" Don't said you scare." Joke Kidou. Fuyuka confusely look at them with a cookie halfway at her mouth. She stay quietly wondering what her friends are talking about.
" Don't say you really scare of it." Said Hiroto.
" Come on! You're the one saiding it." Add Kazemaru. Fuyuka, in the other side, still confuse on what they're talking about.
" Don't said you're giving up." Said Tsunami.
" So you're not strong enough to do it." Joke Ichinose. Gouenji close his eyes for a seconds as an annoying. Then he walks infront of Fuyuka, putting his hands on her shoulders, and he start to bite the cookie she's biting without lips touching; Fuyuka eyes got wide as a surprise, in the same time everyone was shock, Touko got froze with a phone in her hand that she's texting on, and Rika who's just caming back from restroom got stuck on what she is seeing as well. Gouenji, who's biting the cookie, step back and turn to his friends,
" Sacrifices?" He ask while chewing the cookie he had bited. Then everyone smile up.
" You actually did it!" Said Endou.
" Yeah! Thought we're just joking, but you actually do it for real." Said Kidou.
" Oh! So Fuyuppe what are you going to said again?" Ask Endou to the lavender hairs manager, but there's no answer. He turn around and saw that she is still freezing.
" Um... are you ok Fuyuppe?" Endou try to touch her.
" Huh?" Fuyuka come back to her sense and look at him.
" Oh! Um... I going to said that breakfast is ready." Answer Fuyuka.
" Really?!" Ask Kabeyama in the other side when hearing breakfast.
" Uh... what's going on? Why everyone look weird?" Ask Midorikawa.
" Um... I'm going now. Be quick ok!" Said Fuyuka who walks out of the room.
" What's all of that?" Murmur Fuyuka who standing in the hall. Then she close her eyes with an embarrassment and start to run to the kitchen.
" We should going now." Said Endou, and everyone walks out of the room to the lunch room.

        In the kitchen, the three managers are getting the foods ready.
" Does we have water and everything?" Ask Aki.
" Yes we do." Answer Haruna and Natsumi.
" Everything is ready, but why Fuyuka-san and everyone is not here yet?" Ask Haruna.
" Yeah! What's keeping them?" Agree Natsumi. Then Fuyuka walks into the room.
" There she is!" Said Aki.
" What's wrong? Does something happen?" Ask Natsumi.
" No, nothing at all." Answer Fuyuka.
" Everyone is coming." She add it. After that, everyone enter the eating room.
" Set the tray for everyone." Order Aki.
" Hai!" Replies the girls, and they went to give breakfast to the boys. Then there is one table left to give to.

To be continue....

Who mind the last table be? And which managers will went to serve them? Let's find it out.

Inazuma Eleven B.4 "Happy New Year!" (My Heart)Where stories live. Discover now