P.4 p.1

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        In the morning, managers are preparing foods for Raimon players. Haruna is cooking the soup while Natsumi is cutting the vegetables, and Fuyuka is clearing up things or stuffs. In a second, Aki walk into the kitchen with bags in her hands.
" Where have you been Aki-san? We're been waiting for you so long." Said Haruna.
" Yeah." Agree Natsumi.
" I just went to buy a fruits." Answer Aki.
" But on the way back, did you know who I just met?!" Said Aki trying to make her friends guess.
" Let see... Ichinose-kun?" Fuyuka join the group, and that make Aki surprise.
" How did you know?" Aki ask Fuyuka.
" Everyone knows about it." Answer Natsumi.
" That's why it took you so long." Add Haruna, and Aki shrug.
" But I bet you guys didn't know that he's asking me to go watch fireworks with him tonight." Said Aki, and that makes her friends surprises.
" Really?!" The other three managers ask, and Aki nod her head.
" And I think... I mind confess tonight too." Said Aki who was blushing, and that makes her friends more surpriser and exciting.
" That's great idea Aki-san!" Said Natsumi.
" Yeah! Yeah! You can do it!" Agree Haruna.
" Fight for it Aki-san!" Cheer Fuyuka.
" Arigato minna." Replies Aki with smile.
" But what about you Natsumi-san?" Ask Aki, and Natsumi turn little pale.
" Well, Endou-kun didn't said anything yet." Answer Natsumi.
" Oh..." Everyone stay quiet.
" Well! How about you Haruna-san." Ask Aki, and that makes Haruna little confuse.
" What about me?" She ask back.
" Why don't you ask Tachimukai-kun out tonight." Said Aki.
" Yeah! It mind be the perfect time for you to find out how you really feel about him." Explain Natsumi.
" How I feel about Tachimukai-kun?" Murmur Haruna with an image of the boy come out in her mind. Then she touch her heart, ~" This feeling."~
" Well! Foods are about to ready. We should call everyone now." Said Aki, and that makes everyone back to their sense.
" I'll go call them." Said Fuyuka, and Aki nod her head. Then she went out to find everyone.

        In the living room, with Endou, Kidou, Gouenji, Toramaru, Fubuki, Hiroto, Tsunami, Kazemaru, Ichinose, Domon, Tachimukai, and Touko are gathering as a group while Kabeyama, Kogure, Hijikata, Kurimatsu, and Midorikawa are watching TV in the other side.
" See! Tell you, you can not even do it." Start Endou.
" Yeah! We thought you're man enough to do everything." Agree Kidou as a joke.
" Gouenji-kun, you should keep your promise." Remind Fubuki, and Toramaru nod as agreement.
" Yeah! You shouldn't be weak." Joke Hiroto.
" He's not strong enough to eat a romantic cookies couple." Said Tsunami. Kazemaru and other nods their head.
" I'm not! You see there are no girl." Reply Gouenji with little annoying, and that make Touko feel like she got left out.
" There is Touko-san." Said Tachimukai. Everyone agrees except Tsunami who walk up infront of Touko.
" Um... this one is mine." Said Tsunami. That make Touko smile up with blushing.
" See!" Said Gouenji. Then everyone claim down.
" I totally forgot." Reply Endou.
" But there's Rika!" Said Ichinose, and everyone smile up.
" She's in restroom not back yet." Answer Touko, then everyone's faces went down again.
" How about Natsumi-san?" Hiroto smile up with an eyes on Endou.
" She's mine." Endou quickly said out.
" Or Aki-san." Add Toramaru.
" She's my childhood friend, so I think find other girls instead." Reply Ichinose, and Domon nod as agree.
" Then who?!" Ask Fubuki. Everyone look at Kidou who's little scary, so they didn't mention out the name. Gouenji just standing against the wall, beside the door, without saying any words. Then a girl, with lavender hairs, walks into the room.

To be continue....

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