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Taehyung stopped in front of the gigantic gate of the University of Seoul and smiled to himself. He adjusted his eye glass and nodded his head, determination flooding his heart.

"Here i come college! Here I come! I can do this. I can do this!!!" He yelled repeatedly and so loudly that several heads turned to glare at him with slight looks of annoyance.

Taehyung lowered his eyes and ignored them. He didn't care. Nothing and no one could dampen his enthusiasm. Absolutely no one but that was until he heard a light whisper beside him.

"What are the odds Tae Tae, what are the odds?"

All of a sudden, goose bumps spread out at either sides of his arms as he heard that familiar voice. His heart beat faster with dread.

"Please let it not be him! Let it not be him" he cried sorrowfully in his heart turning his face away.

"Yah Kim Taehyung, aren't you happy to see your friend?" The voice sounded again and Taehyung was hundred percent certain it was him.

Not this shit again He thought to himself.

This guy can't come here and ruin my life.

So he started walking away briskly without once looking at the owner of the voice.

He hadn't taken two steps when he felt a tight grip on his wrist. He swore under his breath as he was pulled back and spun around directly facing his oppressor. A devilish smirk appeared on the face of the other.

"Kim Taehyung, my dear friend, where do you think you are rushing off to?"

The voice was calm and light but definitely not fitting to the look of its owner. Park Jimin. Staring into the somewhat cold eyes of the other man, Taehyung couldn't believe his bad luck. For the past year, he had always tried to avoid one person and one person alone. That is, the one standing right in front of him now.

Park Jimin was born two months earlier than him. Their families where very close especially after Jimin and his family moved into the neighborhood when he was six years old. At first, they didn't really get along due to their different personalities. Though they disliked each other's company, there was nothing they could do since their parents kept forcing them to be together.

But as they grew older, Taehyung finally started to accept the fact that he couldn't completely rid Jimin from his life. He was a part of it whether he liked it or not thus he gave their friendship a chance and  surprisingly, they started to get along but everything changed after that incident. An incident which totally changed Taehyung's perspection of the world and forced him to take life more seriously.

As time passed and due to the unfortunate incident, Taehyung became more focused, determined make his parents proud and live a successful, danger free life. As a result of this mentality, his relationship with Jimin suffered. They slowly grew apart without them knowing. However, no matter how much books he read or how hard the studied everyday, he could never beat Jimin.

Jimin was actually a genius and it surprised everyone. He was always maintaining the top position in class with little or no effort. While Taehyung was busy studying, Jimin was perfectly fine hanging around with his people who understood him better than Taehyung otherwise known as deliquents. His days mostly consisted of chasing after girls and generally fooling around. Still, despite his philandering ways, just one look at a mathematical problem and Jimin could solve it immediately and without any hassle. This made Taehyung resent him a little but there was nothing he could do against a genius so he swallowed in his resentment.

When they were in high school, Jimin changed not for the better but for the worse. At the age of sixteen, he had lost his virginity and became a professional bisexual flirt. He changed both boys and girls partners just as easily as how he changed his clothes. No one could really blame those people for falling for him though. Jimin had grown to become really handsome. Though not as tall as Taehyung but he had an average height, beautiful lips and a very attractive body he took great care to mantain.

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