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On the way to cloud recesses, the pass through crowded market. There were people shouting , delicious smell was coming from various restaurants
kid 2: look at that it looks so tasty
kid 1 " can we have it? Its been so long we ate lotus seeds
WY: No, not now maybe some other day
LZ: Wait!! We dont come here often. We should have a meal here. Its my treat
kids: ok

They go in for a meal as the kids were clearly happy. The rest of the clan decided to return as they have classes going on. As they waited for their meal both wei ying and lan zhan tried their best to avoid each others eyes. It brought back many emotions with which they were not ready to deal with yet. The waiter offered them drinks along with lotus seed soup. While wei ying ordered alcohol, lan zhan just ordered plain water. Remembering how alcohol affects his husband made Wei ying chuckle. He was considering how much fun it will be if he repeated his actions this time.


Wei Ying was really frustrated that he would have to work with someone else , that too with a stranger. While he loved having friends during hunting he preferred fewer distractions. Dragging his friends unconscious figure is not how he wants to spend his hunting. Since this mission included secrets of both Yunmeg Jiang and Gusu lan he had to take a partner from their sect.

When he first saw him the first thing that came to his mind was mourning clothes, until their eyes met. He suddenly heard a loud voice saying MATE!!
He expected to be hugged or at least to see a face overjoyed. He is someone hard not to love after all. instead he was met with cold eyes.

LZ: lets go!

he literally moved right past me as if he didnt feel anything. As if nothing changed

I followed him trying to catch up to his speed, clearly annoyed with him
WY: HEY!!! Dont u have anything u wanna say to me?!
LZ: No.
WY: you are kidding right? Youre saying you dont feel anything? Like nothing?
LZ: Focus!! We must not get distracted.
WY: I cant believe Im paired with such a boring guy. Its clearly gonna be my worst night hunting trip ever.
He proceeded to drink from his jar of wine when Lan Zhan snatched it from his hand and sniffed it.
LZ: no drinking during night hunt!
WY: (furiously) LAAN ZHAAAAN!!!!

As they proceeded in their journey they came across lots of obstacles. They fought with zombies, a spirit idol, a cave monster. While Wei Ying hated Lan Zhans indifference to him, he couldnt help but admire Lan Zhans skills and enjoyed teasing him quiet a lot. At the end of the day they decided to relax and have a meal at a pub. While lan zhan still refused to to drink wine wei ying got two jars for himself. He earned that after tiresome day.

To continue with his teasing he slipped a cup of alcohol to him cautiously. A cup doesnt do anything, so he hoped Lan Zhan wont notice. He didnt however expect the guy to actually fall asleep.

WY: Lan Zhan wake up!! LAN ZHAAAN!!.

He finally understands why he refused to drink. He paid the waiter and tried to carry lan zhan to their inn for the night. But he woke up in the middle of their journey and started to act crazy. First he carved his name into the pillar of someones house, then he stole their chicken. Wei Ying couldnt believe his eyes , the strict follower of rules Lan Zhan was stealing!!Oh did he love drunk Lan Zhan.

LZ: Are they fat?
He asked holding the chickens to him as if he was proposing.
WY: Did you steal them to propose to me.
LZ: (nodding): Are they fat?
WY: (reluctantly nodding) yes they are very fat.
And thus he accepted his future husbands proposal.


Remembering the disaster lan Zhan became he decided not to repeat his actions. After all he wasnt yet ready to unleash that crazy side of his husband to his kids. Maybe he wasnt ready for another proposal or some crazy confession? Who knows.

Kid1: here have some from mine.
Kid 2: thank you they are really tasty.
LZ: Food is not spoken. Dont talk while eating kids.

Right now he just wanted to enjoy his first time as a full family together.

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