chapter 1:

189 14 16

Writers P.O.V

She is running fastly in a dark street of Canada with a bag hanging on her shoulders. She is wearing long Boots black in colour with black panties. Dark red shirt is on her torso with a long bkack overcoat. Her hairs are opened and behind her ears though they were disheveled on her shoulders and were swifting more due to her briskly running. The outer stuff of bag is made up of leather...a storng leather, the bag is in red colour. She running so like a fast blowing gale that sweat is popped out from her body. But weather is cold outside. And it's prevailing more due to night. The voice made by her long Boots due to her fast running can be listened clearly on dark cement road.
But there is another voice too except this one. That is coming from her leather bag. Its not the voice of some woody stuff, coins or the sound produced by the collaboration of jewellery.....its the voice of splashing, like something is splashing inside her leather bag.
suddenly the girl stopped on her feet. The veiw in front of her makes her to stop. Five man's are standing in front of her. From her running it is cleared that she is trying to escaped herself from someone but now, from her eyes.....from her that killer gaze anyone can easily concluded that she will left those who impedes her way.
"Hey!!!!!! You bloody bad girl........ what you just have done!we've seen each and every moment. You mean are a killer......we!! We!! Are all witness of your task with that camera everything is recoded" , one man is speaking while others are standing quietly.
"You bitch.......muderer!!! Let me through with you bloody girl....."another one spoke while coming towards her. She placed the bag carefully at side and punched the man hard on his nose without saying anything. The man fell hard on cement road with a painful moan.

"I have no any personal problem with all of you.....but you make it rivalry. I was not running to hide myself from all of you. I was running just to save you all......I was running to make sure that non of the eye would fall on my face. Alas!!. Now see you all not just see me but also that thing which I've just done in the back street" , she spoke dryly , and continued;
"I thing you all don't love your life's?
Why!!! You all did this so bad. Firstly saw me doing that task then recoded in your eyes with this camera too......
Ahhhh!!!! One more thing , its good for me that you blocked my way......what if I don't know about this and you all declared in the city about me....".
"You Rascals!!!!!!!" , she quickly put her gun out from her panties and start shooting.
There is sound of shooting about 15 times. It is she shooted one man atleast for 5 times. She grabbed her bag and came near to the man how is holding the camera. That camera was still in his hand which is full of blood now. She crunched the camera with her foots. She staggered on the floor atleast four to five times in furious form and her long boots helped her too in completion of that task. The camera is broken into pieces badly.
"Motherfukers!!!!!", she spoke in deadly voice and continue to walk like a normal girl on that dark streets holding her bag. She slunged the bag again on her shoulders at the end of street and take turn. She is gone.
The pair of that brown eyes which were seeing her not doing that five muders...... they had seen her previous task too, now came back to his red Lamborghini.
Someone else is here how knows about that girl.
"So!!! Finally the destination is here", she said and walked into a hut. Its a wooden hut. The roof of this hut is covered with heeps of dry grass. The girl placed that leather bag on the mudy floor.
"Ahhaa!!! Hey!!! Beautiful...." a venome voice spoke.
"Bloody Blabber!!!" She cursed him under her breath.
"Ohhh!!! Baby.....I wish that beauty would mine but. Alas!!!. That will never happened......"he said again.
"Ohhhh!!!!!! Just shut your fuck mouth....."you know what is my wish?" She said in yelling tone.
"My wish.....No..No, wait a minute its not wish...Its my urge that your these teeths.......would be broken by my hands' you bloody monster......" she continued:
"But I can't do this and the reason is that I needs you, Actually I don't need you at all I just need that thing from you. Once I got that...then I will show you what actually I am?" She said monotonously in anger.
"Ohhh!! Babes...... I need need me....when our requirements will full filled then our ways will be separated too. Ohhh Gosh!!!! I'll really miss you beauty" , he said hilariously.
"Shut up!!!!! Just shut up!!!!!. Other wise I will trim your that fuck tongue", girl said while striking her foot on flour as usuall in fumor.
"Hang on! Baby!! Next time five more as you know according to my hunger..."he said while grasping the leather bag going outdoor.
"Five more!! Ahhh!!! But who are thoes?" girl said hurridly.
"Well calm down and wait for it....I will tell you tomorrow when you will come to take that bag again baby...." the man said and disappear in night.
"Ahhh!!!!! I wish.....I really wish that Mister Hamdan Ali you would never do that what you have done many years was a greedy person.......your greed had eaten up my family.....I....I'm tangled in this truma just because of you and your devil deeds. Its my heartly desire that I would kill you by my hands but in vain" , she snaped out from her thoughts and leave the hut.
She is walking fastly from that darj streets of city backyard.
"I hate dark.....I just hate world......why GOD why? Every dark is written in my fate.....the more I want to get rid from this dark the more I got in it......why?" She is saying continously while walking through streets.


Now she is walking in bright streets of city but this brightness is also far away from her. Her life is nothing more than a single word that is useless. Her life is a black spot of sinnes. She quietly opened the door of her room. The hostel is seemed to be quiet all rounded. But there is a strom of shrieks inside her heart her inner world is not quiet. Her inner world is dark just like that dark night.

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Authour........Minahil Saleem

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