Chapter 29: Tell me the truth

Start from the beginning

Hey Riley, I say. Did you have a good sleep? Yah, Riley says staring at her breakfast. Thank you Ari for being there when I needed you, Riley says. Welcomes and I'll always be there for you, I say and give her a tight hug. You ready for me to tell the world about you? Sure can't wait, Riley says with a huge smile on her face. After Riley ate I went on twitter and tweeted," @arianagrande: I have some news for you and I hope you watch a youtube vid that I am posting today. Hope you will be so happy and surprise. Apologies if you feel like I hid something for you. I just knew this news a few days ago. Hope you understand". I then did a video with Riley to show she was my twin and posted it an hour later. After the video Riley tweeted," @rileybutera: hope you watch my twin's youtube vid" I then followed a few fans and retweeted them. After Riley and I went on twitter the doorbell rung.

When I opened the door it was my father. S***! What am I gonna do if he sees Riley. Ugh, whatever he has to know anyways. Hey dad, what are you doing here?? I just wanted to see my princess and her kid. Can I see her,Dad asks me. Uhh sure hold on I'll brb, I tell him and run to the guest room where Riley was staying.

Riley our dad is here, I say in panic. What?! Well we have to tell dad sooner or later, Riley tells me and holds my hand. I know and we need to do this now, I say. *Jai comes in the room* Hey guys what's up, Jai says and kisses me softly. My dad is here, I say. S***! I'll be here next to you the whole time, Jai tells me. Thanks babe. No problem, he tells me. Well I hope he doesn't get mad like mom, Riley says. He won't because I'm here, Jai says and smiles. I hug Jai and carry Ariel downstairs with Jai. Hey dad, here's Ariel, I say and give Ariel to him. She's so beautiful, just like you, dad tells me. I blush. I take Ariel and bring her to her play pen. Hello Jai, haven't seen you in so long, dad says and gives him a hug. Hello Mr. Grande, Jai says and puts his arm around me. Oh Jai, we talked about this. Call me dad, dad says., Jai says and chuckles. Dad chuckles as well. So dad I need to talk to you. What is it princess, dad asks curiously. I hope you won't be mad, but- dad interrupts. I won't be mad at you, I will understand. We will deal with this together, dad tells me. I give him a fake smile and continue. Well I met this girl and um she is my sister. I say and hug Jai tightly. He hugs me tighter. You know, dad says in shock. Riley suddenly comes down the stairs and sees dad. Dad? Riley, you know Ariana, dad asks. Well we suspected something two weeks ago and then we found out we were twins so yah, Riley says nervously. Well I'm glad you met, Dad says happily. Your not mad, Riley asks. Of course not, I've always wanted my two daughters to meet, Dad says and hugs Riley. Then we all did a group hug. So did you tell your mom yet, dad asks. It was dead silent. Then I broke the silence and told dad everything. Riley starts to shed a tear and dad comforts her. I'm sorry Riley, your mother shouldn't have did that, dad says angrily. I am gonna talk to your mother and fix this, Dad says while walking toward the door. DAD NO, Riley says while pulling dad away from the door. Honey we need to fix this, dad says. NO DAD SHE HATES ME I DONT WANT YOU TO GO, Riley says with tears. Honey she doesn't hate you, dad says. Riley still is crying. I run up to Riley and give her a hug. Come on Riley let dad fix this so you and mom can be ok, I tell her with tears. Ok, Riley says. Dad starts walking toward his car. Wait dad, I yell. Dad looks back and stops. I'm coming with you, I say. I don't think that will- I interrupt. Plz I'm her sister and I want to help her, I tell dad. Ok lets go, Dad says and we both head to mom's house while Jai,Ariel, and Riley stayed home.

*hours later*

I came back home with news. I really am gonna regret telling Riley what happened. She's gonna feel so depressed and I don't want her to. She needs her mother right now, but her mother or should I say our mother is crazy right now.

When I saw Jai and Ariel,I whispered in Jai's ear to go with Ariel in the kitchen and he did. I sat next to Riley and told her everything without leaving any detail.

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