Chapter 11 - The End

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The silence of the waiting made his blood as cold as the autumnal air. Bereft of any wind, there was no whispering noise or rustling. He could feel the uneasiness in the air as he finally stood outside Falcon Diner. He stepped forward and opened the entrance door. He caught everyone's attention as he stormed inside and walked towards Poe, who was sitting in his usual corner on the red leather couch.

"Ben!?" he puzzled as he leaned forward.

"We need to talk!" Ben uttered under his breath staring at him.

"About?" Poe asked, narrowing his eyes. If one of the Ren Brothers was there to talk, it meant that something serious was going on.

Ben pulled the metallic chair and took a seat. He looked around only Finn, Rose, BB-8, and Chewie. "I summoned your sister, and we had a long talk. I am here to clarify a few things before you find out."

" You were with Rey?" Poe questioned, "She was supposed to be on Vacation. How is that possible?"

"Her car broke down as she was reaching Mustafar. I guess she didn't want to worry you and called me to pick her up. Anyway, there was a storm, and the nearest location was the room she had booked, and we stayed there. But I am not here about that. There is something else! More important!" said Ben. His voice was soft and low; he was not pushing through things. It was clear Ben wanted to have a serious talk with him.

Poe's deadly gaze dropped against Finn. "You have repaired the Car?" Stupid Finn... he told him that he only could fix bikes and not cars. Then his burning gaze returned to face Ben. "Fair enough then. Let me hear what's more important than you sharing a room with my sister?" Poe wanted to know.

"Let me hope that Rey will not pay too dearly for mine boldness. It burns my heart. Yet, I can only be clear and honest with you." Ben uttered clearly, "Leader of the Ajan Kloss You may already know that your sister and I are friends. These four months, we have shared many memories and moments. Slowly, I found out how important she was to me. Not only as a friend but something more. It took me a while to realize that she won more than my respect and trust."

Poe glared at Ben, ready to attack. He already waited for him to reveal something important. But not that fast and clear. On the other hand, the others were baffled. They always have seen Poe and Rey fight and argue. "You are bold enough, Solo, to announce inside my homeland such a truth. When it comes to that, you are daring and full of pride like your brother. Finish your fearless words nevertheless." Corba yelped.

Ben remained calm; he never allowed Poe's insult to mess with his mind. He was there to ask for permission to date with Rey. "I should be honored that you can see part of the power of the Ren Brothers in me..." Ben responded, not losing his calm and strength, "Before our talk overtakes another path, I have to admit two things. First, I cannot keep my promise! I'm sorry, but I am going to date your sister. I would ask for your permission. There is not another girl suitable for me. And I can be, sure enough, there could not be another for her!"

Silence filled the room. Ben's words were short and on point. Poe did not predict such a fallout. His jaw dropped as he stood up, irritated. In all his years, he never remembered being so angry at a male before. He was not angry at Rey, but with Ben. "A Ren is pushing his luck today. How do you want me to respond to this madness? Why would I let my sister date you? Your lives are darker than they used to be. Even if everything settles, there is always a battle you have to fight. I would never wish to see my sister live such a life. She was already through enough darkness, Ben!" Poe stated as he stood up and grasped against his leather jacket, "I told you to keep away!"

"I would never tug your sister towards any danger. At least nothing she wouldn't be able to deal with. Our lives might be hard and filled with fights, but they aren't as dark as you named them." Ben pushed back and freed himself from Poe's grip. "We went through many hardships as you and Ajan Kloss did. Yet, I'll not let the fear of the past destroy our future. I cannot promise how things will end. But I would never harm your sister. And my words are final; I am going to date her, as long as she agrees."

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