Chapter 7 - Reunion

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The sunrays battled in an unseen war to decide which ray would lash inside Luce's room first. The heavy and solid curtains prevented most of the sun rays from reaching the room's inner parts. Slowly the dim light became brighter, and Rey woke up. Her eyes remained still close as she ignored the morning sun and tried to sleep a bit longer. Her breathing slowly rose, and she could feel a weight against her chest.

The extra weight on top of her started bothering her, and she reached out to see what was resting on top of her. Her fingers run through a firm male arm. Confused, she opened her eyes and found an arm resting against her chest and a leg against her belly. She tilted her head, seeking their owner, and found a very sleepy Ben.

Time paused as she stared at the sleeping male next to her. These two months, she had seen the younger of the Solo in plenty of ways. But she never had seen him sleeping. He looked so peaceful and calm as he was sleeping. A small smile formed on her lips as the view in front of her seemed very authentic. She had never seen Ben so peaceful before.

"You are staring too long..." he suddenly whispered without opening his eyes. "Go back to sleep!" Like it was the most normal thing that he was sleeping in her bed. Rey nodded and closed her eyes, drifting back asleep.

Last night's kissing was something both wanted. There was no reason to freak out. She had already thought it through as she was falling asleep last night. That kiss meant nothing. It was just a moment where both were caught in the moment and felt hot. It was just a kiss. Nothing more. They convinced themselves.


Rey awoke again around 9 am and Ben was no longer sleeping next to her. He was long gone. She took a few moments to wake up, and then she walked into the kitchen. She found Ben making a sandwich, and Hux was nowhere to be found. She simply by-passed Ben and grabbed his sandwich and took a bite.

"Hmm! Tastes Good!" she said and took a seat on the couch that was located in the living room. "How about some coffee!?"

"Hey! I was making that one for me! Idiot!" he shouted and ran after she tried to claim his sandwich back. "Give it back Now!"

Rey leaped up as fast as she could and climbed against the arm of the couch, and stood there as she went on eating his sandwich. "No! This one is mine! Make another one!" she repeated and ignored him.

"I'm going to kill you!" Ben said in a half kidding and half serious way as he tried to reach her. His arms wrapped around her hips, and as he was trying to grab the sandwich, he lifted her.

Rey looked at him down as he was holding her up in the air with her mouth filled. She shook her head. "This is mine!" she mumbled.

Suddenly the door opened, and Hux walked in, holding three cups of coffee. "I see the lovebirds have awoken!" he mocked them and went to place the cups against the kitchen counter.

Ben dropped Rey against the couch and stepped back. "The idiot stole my sandwich!" he uttered and pointed at her. "We are not in love... anything!" He shouted at Hux and went to make a new sandwich.

Rey crushed against the couch and was also taken by surprise. "Yes, we aren't birds... love..." she lost her words and sat down, eating the remaining sandwich.

Neither Rey nor Ben went on fighting as they felt Hux gaze against them. He took a coffee cup and placed it next to Ben with a teasing look on his face. "Benny, how did you sleep tonight?" he asked, blocking Ben's way and waiting for an answer.

Ben pushed him away to get some cheese from the fridge. "Like every other night! What's wrong with you?" he asked, now calmer and ignoring his actual question.

It isn't Love  ~ A Reylo ~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu