Chapter 10 - Admitting

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Rey relished the roaring winds that twirled in her long dark hair and whistled in her ears as the car engine sang to the lone country roads. The two-door Chevrolet Biscayne, 1960 presidential blue, was given to Rey. The Dameron family owned the classic car, and Poe thought it would help Rey reach work safer. True be told, he also hoped she would stop riding in Ben's bike.

Rey accepted the gift and thought to use it already by taking a two-day trip into the wild. A trip to Mt Mustafar. She needed to get away for a few days and straighten her thoughts. A month has almost passed since the fight was won.

Back in the Solo Apartment, things returned to normal. Ben's injury slowly healed, and he could once more move and fight as before. Rey spent most of her days at work and Ajan Kloss. The stubborn pair was lately trying to avoid each other. Something had changed in the way they viewed each other. They could not name the feeling. Actually, they didn't dare to acknowledge. Like two scared children, they were just stepping away.

Ben promised Poe; his sister had nothing to fear. He was sure and proud that he would never do something to the idiotic roommate to hurt her. He was too willful to give up and admit defeat. Rey was even worse. At least she agreed that Ben drove her. At least sensually. He was a handsome male. Yet, she was more stubborn than him to accept that she had any other emotions.

The hills that lay friendly in the day - like the land's pillows - were darkly ominous by night. The paths illuminated just hours before become lost in a blackness that even moonlight couldn't help. Rey left around 5 pm from Falcon Diner. She went to take the Car and inform Poe that she would take an Mt Mustafar trip. Two days living far from the Ren Brothers sounds like the best gift Rey could give him. It never occurred to him that things would get worse.

It took about two hours to reach it via the normal toll-free road, and Mt. Mustafar was visible on the way. Rey had booked a room in the 2-star Hotel called Enor for two days. The scenery was magical as the first snow had fallen, and Mt Mustafar looked at its best. Rey was only a few Km away from reaching her destination.

Even the shadows now were swallowed by the encroaching darkness. In the gathering gloom, the stars and the moon shone brighter in the sky, as if to remind that even in the darkness, there was light. The old car's engine made a few cracking sounds. Suddenly the car died in the middle of the road. Rey tried to restart the engine. But her efforts were in vain.

She punched the steering wheel, irritated. She tried to start the engine again. But nothing happened. She climbed out of the car and checked the Engine but again nothing. "Stupid Car!" she complained and sat again inside the car. Next, she called road assistance. They informed her the snow was already too high and they couldn't pick up the car today. They assured her, though, that they would tomorrow. "It couldn't get better!" she sighed.

She tried to call a taxi to pick her up. But again, her request was declined. She called the hotel asking if someone could pick her up. Again no luck. Frost grew over the windows even as the car was still warm. She watched the ice-crystals grow for a while, allowing her brain to be empty, content to exist and be. She breathed in and out and tried to relax and decide her next move.

"Should I call Poe!" she mumbled, gazing at the empty road. "No! No! He will be super worried. Then Finn! No, him neither. Hux..." A few more seconds passed, and Rey had no one to call. She knew each of them would run to her rescue. And each of them would be troubled. "I hate this!" she yelled loudly and punched the steering wheel. Then she figured out there was one person she could call. But again, she was too proud to call him.

Her mind started a debate to decide who to call.

It was the type of coldness that reaches into her bones, as if her heart were a door left wide open to the icy wind, slamming only to open again. She could no longer withstand the cold and grabbed her phone and dialed Ben's number. She was sure he would no answer. But with her logic, Ben seemed the best choice she had.

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