Chapter 10 - Admitting

Start from the beginning

Ben grabbed his ringing phone and blinked, confused. He noted that the idiotic roommate was calling. "Aren't you supposed to be on Holiday! Idiot, what do you want?" he answered the phone with a strong voice.

Taken by surprise and feeling cold, her voice came out weak and thin "The stupid car broke down!"

Ben cracked a smile through the phone and started laughing. "Huh! The classic car you have been showing off for days now!?" he mocked her.

"No! The Car is still a very nice piece!" she shouted at him. "But you don't know anything about Cars? Do you?"

"Idiot! Did you call me to offend me or to ask for my help!" Ben questioned in a loud and serious mode.

"I need you to pick me up. I'm stuck here! You pervert!" Rey backfired.

Ben interrupted her. "Send me your coordinates Now!" he requested seriously. It was times like those that made Rey wonder why the pervert would act as he cared. "Wear something warm; it will take some time to reach you!"

"Okay!" was the only reply that Rey said before ending the phone call. Then she texted him her coordinates and waited. She looked into her backpack and found a warmer blouse and wore it. She didn't expect the weather would get worse, and the clothes she took with her were not for shallow temperatures.

The night rolled over, bringing a threat of a storm. The light was covered by the rapidly falling night. The bright blue sky transformed into an ocean of blackness. And Ben stepped on his gas, speeding as fast as he was allowed to speed. His mind was focus on reaching the Idiotic Roommate. And after an hour and a half drive, he found her car. He mounted off his bike and walked towards the car.

Meanwhile, Rey had heard the bike and opened the door and got out of her car. They both met in the middle of the road with the rain pouring down on them. Ben lifted his arm, and his hand covered his face from the rain. " Idiot! What happened!?" he buzzed, staring at her.

"I don't know! The engine stopped working. I called road assistance due to the weather, and they couldn't come. Neither a taxi!" she informed him. It was still raining, and slowly her clothes were getting wet.

"That's why Idiot before you decide to take a car for a trip, you should let a mechanic check it. And even I, who doesn't know about Cars, can tell you that!" Ben uttered in an angry tone as he pulled off his leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Take your stuff; let us move!"

"Finn checked it! You pervert!" Rey replied loudly. However, Ben's gesture to hand her his jacket shocked her once more. She accepted his jacket and pulled her backpack from the car, and locked it.

"We cannot drive back in such weather. The room you have booked, how far is it from here!?" Ben asked her as he climbed his bike and helped her to mount after him.

Rey answered louder as the heavy rain fell louder against the road. "It's a few minutes away. Enor Inn!"

Indeed a few minutes later, both of them had reached the low-key hotel. Ben and Rey had to share the room because the rest of the hotel was already booked. Both were cold and wet from the heavy rain and didn't complain. They reached the room. First, Rey had a shower and wore a warm bath rope that the hotel provided. And last Ben did the same.

"I will sleep on the bed! You'll sleep on the couch!" Ben told her as he walked out of the bathroom and found Rey resting against the bed. His gaze paused against her, and before his mind could make any other thought, he spoke again, "Idiot! Now! Get up!"

Rey tilted her head and looked at Ben. She closed her eyes, sniffing the smell of fresh soap mixed with his scent. Her cheeks blushed, and she looked away. "What a gentleman! Pervert, you take the couch! I'm already using the bed."

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