Chapter 6 - Bleary Night

Start from the beginning

"Are you trying to scare me now!" Rey backfired and pushed him with both of her hands. "Try me! And see what happens!"

Ben raised an eyebrow and lightly smiled mischievously. "You are right! Long enough have I only verbally warned you. Words don't work on Idiots!" he added and by-passed and grabbed her bra. He dashed off over the window and opened it. Ben paused his actions gazing at her to make sure she was watching him. And he simply threw the bra out of the window and offered her a cocky smirk.

"You Pervert!" Rey screamed and ran towards him punching him lightly against his shoulder.

Both watched in slow motion the bra float against the air and drop. Until it found it's a target and landed on a male head. The man gasped the bra and looked at it bewildered. He lifted his head and had eye contact with the pair. And after realizing who they were he seemed upset. Then he jogged towards the building aiming to reach their apartment.

Rey and Ben froze, while they witnessed with wide-open eyes who the man was. They took a step back and Ben locked the window astonished. Rey was rubbing her eyes in disbelief. Both turned at the knocking sound against the door. Before being able to react, a very lazy Hux opened the door.

"Eh? What brings you here?" Hux puzzled as the man forced his way inside the house without answering.

Ben glared at him and strolled over "Hey! Why..."

Rey remained frozen next to the window still not believing what was happening "Finn!?" she mumbled in a low tone. But everyone heard her.

Finn threw the bra against the coffee table and stared at Rey and Ben for a second. Honestly, the last he was expecting was for them to surprise him like that. He thought he would be the one surprising them.

How did Finn find out that Rey was staying with the Ren Brothers? Simply the day after saving Rey from Crait, Hux and the Y-TIES went to Falcon Diner. There it was said that the girl that Crait caught was living with the Ren. Finn placed the events together and slowly understood what happened.

Yet he would never guess their rebel would end up actually sharing an apartment with the Ren Brothers. Of course, he didn't reveal the truth to anyone. For a month now he wanted to visit Rey. Finally today he decided to pay her a visit.

"I'm here visiting a friend!" Finn clarified and pointed at Rey "And Poe wanted me to give you this..." Finn handed over to Hux a USB disk and took a seat.

"You know each other?" Ben questioned and tilted his head. How did his high society idiotic roommate know someone from Ajan Kloss? "Friends? How?"

"We have a mature Friend!" both Finn and Rey said. They gazed at each other but didn't say anything further. They had a lot to discuss. She never thought that there would come a time that Finn would find her living with the Solo.

The moment was interrupted as Hux asked: "What's inside this USB?"

"We have looked into it, but cannot understand what it is! Babu Frik managed to hack it, but the files make no sense." Finn added.

"Where did you find it?" asked Ben, dropping the matter how Finn and Rey knew each other.

"Y-TIES did, inside the Crait building!" he informed them. "Crait surely worked with someone. But we didn't manage to find any other clue."

"We'll look into it and brief you in!" Ben said and tapped his shoulder, trying to make Finn take his leave. It was making him uncomfortable to have Finn around.

Finn stood up glancing at Ben "You always welcome your guests so warmly? Anyway, I will take my leave!" There was a small silence as Finn and Ben exchanged angry looks. Finn never forgot the fight between them a few years ago. And now he had one more reason to be bothered by them.

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