Chapter 5 - Horror of Crait

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, in Falcon diner, Finn dashed into the store, lost inside his own thoughts. He took a seat next to the counter, looking troubled. Rose grabbed a red plastic mug and filled it with cold water offering it. He sipped the cold water at once, and his eyes darted, paused, then shifted again before he started talking with Rose.

"What is wrong? You look like you saw a ghost?" Rose quizzed, concerned as she forked her fingers through her hair for the third time.

Finn nodded and sighed, "I come across an alarming view. One of the Ren was riding with a girl. The girl, you see..."

Rose stared at him, trying not to laugh, and interrupted him, "And since when are you worried if Ren meets girls or not?"

"Ugly listen!" Finn's lips primed as he went on, explaining, "I don't care about that. It was about the girl. She looked like Rey."

Rose laughed, "Are you saying Poe's sister and one of the Ren Brothers. There is no way!" She leaned against the counter and faced Finn. "I know you are worried about her. But you know Rey left because she abhorred our lifestyle. Ren's is even worse than ours. Rey wouldn't really even talk to people like them. She would avoid them."

"I know. That's why it's bothering me. She looked though like her." Finn sighed again, worried.

"Don't say something like that to Poe. And If you are still worried, go and meet her. You know where she works." Rose suggested as she smiled kindly.

Finn nodded again. Rose's advice made sense. "It's time to check how she is really doing. I'll pay her a visit tomorrow morning at work."

A minute later and Ben had reached their destination. He turned off the engine and steadied the bike. Next, he removed the keys. He remained though sitting on his bike, considering what happened earlier. He took off his helmet while noticing Rey, who had climbed off his bike, and gazed at him.

"Huh?" he cocked his head curiously at her.

"You are pretty confident, aren't you?" she asked as her lips pursed like she'd been chewing a lemon rind and was frustrated.

He held his helmet with his left hand and stood up, advancing the distance between them and strongly grabbing her arm. "About what?" he questioned, pinning his eyes against her.

Rey lifted her arm and pressed it against his chest, keeping him away from her personal space. "You announce too proudly that I am your girl. Since when?" she wanted to know. It was bothering her after Ben called her that.

His eyes softened, and he freed her arm while smirking at her. "Idiot, don't flatter yourself. You are nothing like that." he clarified and turned around, aiming to reach the entrance. "It was just a note for Crait. In that way, they would rethink attacking you again."

Rey paced faster as she dawdled alongside Ben. She did not seem to hear at first, nor to comprehend his attitude. " You always find the most perverted ways to solve things." she mocked him and clenched her fists.

Ben paused suddenly in the middle of the staircase, casting a glance towards "At least I'm not acting like one, like you!" he mocked her. He stepped away and went on climbing the stairs. "By any means, don't wander around on your own until we figure this out," he added.

She was ready to share with him her personal opinion about him and his mockery. Though his last words made her anger slowly burn away. "I was not planning to do such a stupid thing." was her response.

Ben unlocked the door of the apartment and kept it open as he faced her one more time. "I'll drive you to work and pick you up. And do not stay out late!" he uttered seriously.

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