"What do you mean you not going inside"I semi yelled."So in case your cover is blown we can get away" she says looking at me. "so you are my chauffeur". " Ah ah no i am your get away car driver person" she said. "okay monna".

After Zena finished cutting my hair sephora and the others left me to get changed into the all white suit with a silky and velvet material.I couldn't afford it.

After putting on the suit I called them back into the room and they all showered me with compliments and to be honest i felt good in the suit. Even though it was white. I felt confident.

"darling you look like a walking mannequin at Milan Fashion week" Sephora said. "thank you" I said to her. " Ramonna the jewelry she called out.

Ramonna walked in holding a brief case written Cartier " Cartier has delivered the wired chain as well as the rings so you look the part.

"this is the Cartier de sontos chain" ramonna said

"How is it wired though" i asked because i couldn't see a wiring path

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"How is it wired though" i asked because i couldn't see a wiring path." dont ask questions if you don't want to hear no lies.

after putting on the chain she brought a smaller box with what I assumed the rings that i was going to wear

" Finally the rings" Sephora said

"The black ring activates the chain just hold it for 30 seconds and the chaun will be activated" ramonna said

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"The black ring activates the chain just hold it for 30 seconds and the chaun will be activated" ramonna said.

we made our way to the car and I guess the department had spent alot of money because the got me a range rover and to my surprise the driver was Demetrius.

"You look handsome" he told me smiling to my face "thank you mr chauffeur" i told him letting out a small chuckle.As we were driving i began wondering how much was spent on everything because i am certain that the NYPD didn't pay for everything.

"hey Demetrius who paid for my outfit, the ring and car i asked him" while he was driving. "I did" he said and i was beyond surprised.

"Wait why did you in could have worn an old suit-" he interrupted me "Well you are going to a relaunch disguised as a famous blogger for E-news you have to look the part and i didnt mind paying."he said driving.

"I am going to repay you i promise"."oh no kaylib i really dont mind and we are not talking about this again"he commanded me.

"So you will be in there for 3 hours and you are going to interview Tyler and Malaysia and maybe trevor." " if at anytime you feel like you're cover has been blown LEAVE" he said.

"Ramonna will be waiting for in a black Toyota" he said to me.

I could tell that we were almost there because of the signs pointing to the direction of the club.I was getting nervous because this was my first solo undercover mission.

We had arrived at the club and there was a red carpet it wasn't going to be my frist but I was nervous. Demetrius turned around and gave me my media card " Jason Jakobson from E-news is your cover" he said exiting and making his way to open the door for me.

"If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable LEAVE" he told me i nooded and gave him a hug and walked the red carpet i swear i would need glasses because of all the flashes.

Making it to the door security was verifying your name on the guest list and scanning you as well as patting you down. After my security check I made my way to the bar.

"Can I get a cider" I told the bartender "Can we all get a drink to welcome the owner of club deuteronomy the MC called. i made my way to the balcony where all other VIP guests were standing.

"ladies and gentlemen welcome Mr and Mrs Raymond" the MC announced and the crowd went carzy like beyonce was entering.

Tyler P.O.V

Mr and Mrs Raymond the MC announced and me and Malaysia put on our best smiles as we entered the club waving to the crowd both in general and VIP.

The MC handed me the mike as i walked onto the stage "Sup New York" I said and the crowd went even more crazy "welcome to the launch of Club deuteronomy" people clapped their hands."but on the real i finna say thank you to my wife Mrs Malaysia Raymond" i said looking at her.

"thanks for making this night a success and planning and for always supporting me" I said looking at her. " I love you". Everyone else started clapping."So err one lets lauch this club" I yelled. "MC thanks"i gave Terrance the mike .

Me and my wife made our way to the VIP area abd she made her way over to her friends and i joined Trevor and the other guys. "Ayee look who it is trevor said giving me my whiskey. wassup gents i said sitting down.

kaylib P.O.V.

Seeing Malaysia talking to her friends i saw it as an opportunity to interview her. I activated the necklace abd walked over to her.
"Lover the dior dress MRS Raymond" I complimented her. " I am Jason Jackobson of E-news.

"nice to meet you" she said looking at me "I just have a few questions for you" I said ti her with a smile " Ask away" she said. After asking a few questions i needed the bathroom.

I walked to the mirror and moisturized my lips and washed my hands and went over to the dryer on the wall .

Tyler P.O.V

Opening the bathroom door i heard the hand dryer noise a noise that makes me cringe.

finally entered the bathroom and insaw.I a media card with the name Jason Jakobson from E-news.

i just ignored it and when i turned left to go tonthe stalls there was his silhouette.

"So the rumors are true you are back kaylib."

kaylib P.O.V

his voice still sounded the same. i could smell his strong colonge scent. I turned around and there he was....

"Hey Tyler.....

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