Everybody could see it, despite Jackson's warm body curled around Stiles, they could see how Stiles was sweating profusely and shaking as if he was also cold at the same time. It didn't take a genius to see that Stiles was suffering.

"I'm gonna call him, I don't care if you disagree, Scott. This isn't something we're going to argue about," the rest of the pack watched as Lydia stepped out of the room with her phone grasped in her shaky hands as she dialed the Sheriff's number.


"Hey, buddy, you really got yourself into a big mess, hmm?" Jackson whined at the Sheriff's words, though aimed at Stiles, Jackson could tell they were for him too. He headbutted the Sheriff's outstretched hand when Noah stopped petting Jackson's head, whining unhappily at the loss of comfort. "Well, I guess that should have been a given since you are Stiles."

He chuckled into the empty room, but he and Jackson both knew there was no humor behind his words, "Guess I should say that I'm glad you told me about everything before this happened huh? No one was telling me what was going on, Lydia just told me to come.

Son, how the hell do you keep getting yourself into these messes? You told me you were done with the supernatural and I knew you were keeping your word and staying out of trouble, but I guess the universe didn't seem to agree, huh?

I don't say it enough, but I love you so so much, kid. The first time I ever saw you was one of the best days of my life, cradling you in my arms as you cried for the very first time in your life. You were so troublesome as a kid growing up, but I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. And then... then Claudia died. Life was tough, but it was probably harder for you wasn't it? You lost your mom and then I made it worse by pulling away. I was still hurting so much though, you looked so much like her that every time I looked into your eyes, all I could see was her face, and I pushed you away because I couldn't bear to see you knowing that she was no longer alive."

Jackson whimpered when the Sheriff began to choke on his words, eyes wet with tears, but his other hand that wasn't holding Stiles's still continued to rub between Jackson's ears, "You deserved better, and I'm sorry it took me a while, but I'm glad I came back to you and you let me back in with open arms. You are the most precious thing to me and I wish you knew how much you truly mean to me. I wish I could have given you the world."

His voice cracked, the words struggling to break free from his throat from the way his throat tightened in pain for his son, for his suffering, "I know that you've been struggling with a lot these past months, I know that life hasn't been the best for you, but I always hoped that you'd get through it and keep fighting like you did after your mother died. But I know now, and as hard as it is to say, if you need to leave, then Stiles, I want you to know it's okay. I don't blame you, I only wished I could have done more for you."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through so much all alone, afraid that I was going to leave you again like I did with your mom. And I'm sorry that I could never assure you otherwise. You have been and always will come first. You're all I have left, but I don't want you to keep hurting. It hurts me to see you suffer. I always want the best for you, and if this is the best, then all I can do is support you and love you as I always should have done. I love you, Stiles."

Jackson rested between the two Stilinkis's in quiet after the sheriff's last words, the clock kept ticking by, cutting through the silence. They both knew that there was no longer anything they could do, the only option left was to wait.

It hurt him to hear the Sheriff say those words, but Jackson knew Stiles needed to know, needed to hear the words. His mate had been suffering for so long and Jackson hadn't been able to soothe his struggles no matter how happy Stiles looked on some days. If it was for the best then Jackson would accept it and accept that he hadn't been able to save his mate. Lying curled between the Sheriff and his mate, Jackson began to quietly cry, he didn't want to lose Stiles, but Jackson owed it to Stiles to find his peace.

And he hoped Stiles would finally be happy again with his mother.



EDIT: REUPLOADED 10/04/20 (Ao3)

A/N: Check me out on Ao3 for earlier updates, I'm only on wattpad to update fics (sometimes but like rarely if we're being honest lol) my user is luke_is_a_kirby but if you're too lazy to look me up, I also have a link in my profile that will take you straight to my account! Thanks for reading, I really appreciate all the love and support you've all sent my way and I'm sorry it took so long for me to even update the revised version here. Anyways, college has been kicking my ass, so my motivation has been dead beat for a while. And please know that I see all your comments and library adds haha I hope you all enjoyed this 24k update and that you'll look forward to the next chapter, just 2 more chapters left y'all! 💗

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