Chapter 4

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"Please leave, Jackson. I'm not in the mood for your bullshit. And can you fucking change back? I already have enough shit going on, I'm tired of this! Now leave me the fuck alone!" Stiles exclaimed out loud, chucking a pillow in Jackson's direction as he fell face-first into his bed; Jackson standing in the doorway of Stiles's room. Contemplating his options, Jackson huffed once before climbing into bed with Stiles, curling up at his feet, trying to comfort his mate who had started to sob quietly.


"Why's life gotta be so hard Jackson? I just want my own best friend to pay attention to me for once, but he's too invested in his stupid girlfriend, and like I'm not mad at Allison because I know she would never do it on purpose, but fucking Scott. He keeps abandoning me and then comes running back later when he has a problem he can't solve. And I can't take it anymore! I was there for him whenever he needed me, but where has he been? Where the hell has fucking Scott been?" Shaking in anger and frustration, Stiles lashed out crying and screaming, glad that his dad had the late shift tonight.

It's been the same routine over and over again with Stiles breaking down and crying himself to sleep. Jackson was glad he found his mate, even in this state of pain and sorrow. It was better than Stiles six feet under, but Jackson couldn't let this go on any longer. He was grateful Stiles had found him and let Jackson into his home and now Jackson was going to return the favor.

Normally, Jackson would curl up at the feet of Stiles's bed, afraid of stepping over some boundaries, but it's been over two weeks since Jackson has been taking shelter here and Stiles hasn't gotten any better, in fact, the teen was looking a lot worse for wear. Unbeknownst to Jackson, Stiles had been putting up a front for his dad and school. He didn't want anyone to know that he was going through a rough patch, but now that Jackson had squirmed his way into Stiles's life again, he couldn't help but let his walls start to crumble. They were still standing, but it was only a matter of time before the whole structure collapsed on Stiles.

Stiles did have his good days and his bad ones though. However, Jackson couldn't even really call them good days to be honest, they were just good compared to the bad days.

Stiles had a habit of closing in on himself and pulling away, nearly dissociating for hours. Normally he would only disconnect for an hour or two, these instances never lasted long, but they did happen far too often for Jackson's liking. During these periods, Stiles would be unresponsive, any nudges and attempts at getting a reaction from him were met with naught. The only thing Jackson could do during these times was stay by Stiles's side and wait for the affair to pass and help Stiles get reacquainted with the living world again.

Although those weren't the greatest days, at least Jackson knew that Stiles would always come back to him, but there was one time where Stiles almost didn't come back, and that scared Jackson the most.

Jackson had only been with Stiles for over a week at the time, so he was already familiar with how Stiles often detached from time to time, but it usually happened at home where Jackson could look after his mate. However, one time Stiles had returned from school already dissociated and had apparently driven himself home in that state. Jackson hadn't realized until Stiles had walked into the house and walked straight up to his room, completely unaware of Jackson who was warily following him from behind.

Normally Stiles would come home and greet Jackson, telling him about his day while making a snack (a daily routine that Jackson had pushed into Stiles when he noticed the other wasn't eating enough) and would just keep talking about anything and everything. Jackson absolutely loved those days, hearing Stiles's voice, his smooth timber that would sometimes pitch into a squeak when he got excited about something, it was usually the best part of Jackson's day and it made waiting for Stiles to come home worth it.

True Mates | Teen Wolf Fanfiction - Stiles/Jackson |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora