Chapter 2

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After the disaster that went down in Harris's class, Jackson had thought he was finally going to catch a break from his senses going haywire, not sharing any more classes with Stiles. And Jackson was mostly right, unfortunately, he hadn't accounted for lunch. Jackson's first step into the cafeteria was literally a slap in his face as Jackson froze near the entryway, mouth-watering as he kept inhaling Stiles's scent.

That's where things went a bit south, however. When Jackson caught Stiles's scent, he couldn't help but track down his heartbeat, feeling a wave of calmness run through his body when Jackson locates the sound of Stiles's heart, the irregular on and off beat familiar to him. Unfortunately, Stiles's heartbeat wasn't the only thing he heard. In honing his hearing on Stiles, Jackson also accidentally picked up on Stiles's conversation, catching the last few words Stiles uttered that sent a sharp pain through Jackson's chest.

With his last strings of control, Jackson snapped and rushed out of the cafeteria, heading for the locker room before anybody noticed the jock acting off. Weaving through the rows of lockers, Jackson sputtered trying to catch his breath, sliding down the wall against the showers, hidden deep within the room holding his head in his hands.

He was so fucked, Jackson thought, struggling to keep his panic at bay, fighting to control his supernatural features. Breathing started becoming hard, Jackson's chest squeezing in pain from the loss of Stiles's scent. Deep in his mind, Jackson realized he was feeling this way because he was denying his wolf his mate. Fuck, Derek was right about the pain, it hurt like a bitch.

His heart started to beat rapidly and his control was wavering as his eyes continued to flash between his human blue and werewolf blue. Hanging his head between his knees, Jackson held his breath as he heard two pairs of footsteps come into the locker room, praying that it wasn't Danny or any of his other teammates.

"Jackson, you okay buddy?" Jackson's eyes closed as he released a growl of frustration while Scott's hand fell on his shoulder, his touch helping to ground Jackson.

"Jackson, come on look at me. What happened? Scott called me and said he saw you rush out and looked like you were losing control," Jackson was surprised to hear Derek's voice cut in, but still didn't answer the two werewolves.

"I just— It... arghhh! I don't know, okay. I was fine one minute and then the next, I just couldn't fucking help myself," Jackson spat out, face set in a grimace as he snapped in admission. "I was just listening for his heartbeat, and... and then I ended overhearing a conversation with him okay. It was stupid and I don't even know why I'm mad. I have no fucking right."

Scott and Derek exchanged a glance, a bit surprised to hear that Jackson seemed to already be seeking to build a bond despite it not having passed a few hours since Jackson learned about the whole situation. Scott slid down next to Jackson, leaning against the cold wall, waiting for Jackson to elaborate while Derek sat down on the bench in front of them.

"What was it about Jackson?" fed up with Jackson's reluctance to answer, Scott switched tactics and tried to guilt the other teen into responding. "Jackson, we can't help you if you won't let us."

Jackson just kept shaking his head before suddenly shooting up from his spot, lashing out at them, "It's stupid okay! He's never going to feel this way and I don't want to keep doing this. Maybe I should have left for London."

Jackson quietly trailed off, all the anger dissipating into bitterness, his pacing getting more aggressive despite his tone. "I overheard him asking a girl out, okay? I don't know why I went crazy, it just— arrgh. I just can't explain it!"

Despite Derek's cold persona, he couldn't help but feel pity for Jackson. The teen had found his mate, one of the most sacred things in the supernatural, but of course, things weren't going to fall into place, "It's the pull, that's why it's bothering you so much. Your wolf wants to build the connection but you keep denying it. You need to talk to Stiles, Jackson. This is literally your life on the line and you already know the dangers of just ignoring it and walking away."

True Mates | Teen Wolf Fanfiction - Stiles/Jackson |Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu