Chapter One ~ Desperation and Impatience

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Chapter One

Desperation and Impatience

An enchanting melody filled the air as a hired famous orchestra from London’s Royal Albert Hall, played gracefully wearing the finest black silk tailcoats and white bow ties with their hair combed neatly back as they sat on comfortable mahogany chairs which had decorative eggshell coloured cushions with golden patterns of musical notes from the Mozart’s symphony of the Molto Allegro embedded on the fabric. The musicians held their finely polished stringed instruments as they placed them close to their hearts and underneath their cheeks with such intimacy, that their passion for their music vibrated along the strings sharing their passion to their audience. As they sat together on the balcony inside the gigantic ballroom as they paused to turn to the next page to the next melody that they were requested to play, and soon the room was filled with music once more as they started to play Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake making the atmosphere magical and subtle.

On the high ceiling above was painting of heaven with small baby cupids looking down from their fluffy clouds as if they were staring at the audience below them, while hanging in the centre was a giant chandelier full of clear crystals helping spread the light around the room as long thick candles were lit standing on decorative holders.

The cream walls of the ballroom gave off a warm glow from the candles above, making the room look festive and relaxing; as the warmth from the wide fireplace heated the room making the guests feel warm and toasty. The fireplace was placed near the tall arched glass doors that led to the small balcony outside, as long emerald drapes that were pulled open to frame the glass doors. In the far end of the room was a row of long tables covered by a long diamond white cotton table cloth, as exciting food on silver plates was placed along it where sitting in the middle was a large decorative silver punch bowl.

Guests fluttered about merrily in elegant gowns and suits along the polished wooden floor as they joined with other guests, all the guests that were invited were all confectioners, inventors and businessmen who specialised in their own brand. The ballroom floor was filled with happy and cheerful guests as they flocked around their generous hosts, as they gave their praises at their success of their newest confection, while praising them on holding such a marvellous enchanting ball.

As the guests continued to flutter and complement their hosts as more of their visitors gathered around them, standing alone in the dimmest part of the room at the back stood an odd looking couple who was not merry as the rest of the guests. Standing on their own like outcasts as they kept to themselves while staring at the gathering crowd, as the man who was short and obese as the buttons of his black and white stripped jacket struggled to remain connected to the other side of the suite. Where great gaping holes between the buttons revealed the silverish grey waistcoat underneath as he inspected the thin glass of bubbly pink Champaign as he held the stem in between his giant chubby fingers as he inspected the cleanliness and the content through the side of the flute. Finding nothing but perfection his took a sip tasting the quality of the Champaign before looking at the crowd that surrounded their hosts he glared at them as he arched his brow, as he said to his wife who stood quietly beside him with a disgusted and snide voice. “Look at them. Those Bittersweet’s, they think their better than anyone else, well one day I’ll show them.”     

His wife stayed quiet and still as she looked down at her small round husband from the corner of her eye, looking at his displeased face as he took another small sip from his glass before looking back at the merry crowd. The crowd was now laughing as a lady hidden inside the crowd asked her hosts how old their young son was, the crowd died down eager to hear their answer as a woman with an elegant voice replied “he has only just turned two only last week, he was so adorable on his birthday he tried to blow the candles out on his own the poor dear where Frederick had to help him” she giggled as the crowd gave out an adorable sigh.

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