Chapter Nine ~ Suspicious Minds - Part One

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Chapter Nine

Suspicious Minds

There were many a complaint and outrageous outbursts of loathing and appalling disgust after every gathering function and party much more than usually expected, ever since the tragic untimely demise of their too overpowering competitor, there had been countless of a hateful complaint about the next future heir.

This very evening was another day where everyone found themselves jumping out of their wits as they had grown accustomed to new amount of complaints, and knew the main cause of them but they never got used to the way they began. Without warning the living room door swung opening instantly slamming against the poor abused wall as crumbling plaster fell like sand to the floor, the long term, now permanent abuse had eaten away at the wallpaper deeply embedding into the plaster causing a fistful dent. Its force was loud and forceful and no matter how many times they had heard it and expected it to happen, it caused them to jump out of their wits making their hearts lodge itself uncomfortable in their throats. As the door thundered into the wall Luther had emerged through it storming into the cosy room looking furious and frustrated his face slightly red from losing his temper, while Pamelia followed closely behind in toll as quiet as her usual self. No more had he set foot into the room letting the warmth engulf him Luther bluntly boomingly shouted his displeasure of the evening, as he waved his short arms about with aggression and frustration. “How dare he? That obnoxious little brat! I take it back, I take it all back” he said raising his arms in the air in defeat as if he were surrendering as he took his place standing in front of the fire.

Like always Luther was never directing his displeasure to anyone but to everyone who was in ear shot or in the same room as himself, but he never expected a response from anyone either, as his wife had just then taken her seat next to his mother Angie. Not only had himself realised that listening to his own voice seemed to be the only cure to un-riddle himself with stress and to calm down, so everyone else seemed to let it take its stride continuing what they were doing previously before jumping out of their seats. “Take what back?” was a sudden reply taking him off guard rendering him speechless and incapable of thought, he could only scowl in confusion as he looked down at the man who was looking up at him from his chair, with the daily newspaper in his hands, his bronze golden spectacles hanging from the rim of his nose as he looked at him from the corner of his light brown auburn eyes.

Not wanting to look like a dumb struck fool like he had already been portrayed already, he quickly regained his composure changing the scowl on his face into a more calm but frustrated looked. Hiding the surprise that rendered him asunder from astonishment and shock as his father had never once ever questioned him about his outbursts, he replied back with frustration as he crossed his arms as if the future snobbish heir appeared laughing at him in replaying in his mind. “That boy is nothing like his father at all other than looks, he is brusque, a humiliating conniving predator of a monster. I can’t believe I am saying this about my former competitor but, he was more, how can I say this? More appropriate and slightly more respectable and charming then what his son is.” He took a breath feeling his temper begin to boil deep within him, as he closed his eyes after holding the bridge of his nose as he continued with a slight irritable hushed tone. As if the cause of his temper was right in front of him mocking him as he snarled at nothing “that obnoxious little brat I’ll show him and put him in his rightful place. How dare he! I positively take back everything I said before about the lad, his is nothing, nothing like his father other than looks he is positively I’m sure worse than Fredrick.”

“Oh is he?” Harold replied inquiringly as he looked back down at his newspaper.

“Yes” answered Luther as he released the bridge of his nose as he took another deep breath smothering the flame of humiliation inside of him as he headed towards his decanter of brandy that laid undisturbed on the small table next to the old gramophone.

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