Chapter Six ~ Plans and Cruelty ~ Part Two

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While stepping over and manoeuvring around broken rotten beams from all angles in silence and as soon they reached a more harmless remote part of the corridor, Lacie took the time to study her appearance as she looked down at herself marvelling at the plain black dress. It reminded her of the lack of elegant beautiful frills and ribbons she often saw her mother lavished in, making her positively more beautiful and striking. She didn’t mind the plainness of her gown and neither did it bother her, as she was often by the few rare occasions complimented by her Grandparents and Uncle when she was rarely permitted to where it. They often said it suited her as they would smile pleasingly at her appearance. She remembered the last occasion where he father had ordered her to wear the dress which had been over a year ago.

While studying her gown she had found herself a great deal taller as her short black skirt had now at reached over her knee, but the sleeves were now the right size as she had always had to tuck them in to look presentable.

The cold dark atmosphere stretched throughout the household as they walked with a steady pace through the heavy shadows, as missing objects that once assisted guidance had long been absent as they left light shapely patterns of the dark faded peeling wallpaper. Yet they walked with ease within the shadows following the distant warmth like a trailing florescent scent, as they came close to their desired destination.

Once there they both stood before the closed living door that emitted drafting warmth coming from the small tiny gaps around the frame, creating a mist of stream as if they were entering a bowler room. Angelique stepped back from the door about to retire to her other awaiting chores that required her attention, and without hesitation Lacie took hold of the doorknob twisting it eagerly awaiting the warmth and comfort she yearned for in her favourite place with her Grandfather. She couldn’t wait to start her lessons while being in the much- loved spot in front of the luxurious fireplace, and as soon as she slightly opened the door the heat caressed her chilled skin sinking in the delightful heat which guided her inside.

Everything was as it should be as she relived the indulging sensation heat wash over her; nothing seemed amiss or out of place as she stepped into the living room. The only thing that captured her unbridled attention was at first was the absence of the pre-occupier of a certain chair near situated near the blazing fire, as she stepped further into the room inquiringly as she stared at the empty chair she saw the most marvellous foreign objects floating around the room suspended in time before her.

The couch had been placed close to the far side of the wall next to the large book case and globe, floating along the ceiling gliding the large high grey peeling ancient paint were emerald green and black helium filled balloons trailing along its knot were long brown tails of string.

With the furniture put away closer towards the shape of the room, every candle available was put into the room fully aflame. The rug and the floor never looked so spacious and large; the small tables were usually preoccupied with large trays of cheap steaming tea, but now were filled with plates of delicious treats of sugary pastry and cream. In the centre of the small plateful of mouth-watering treats was a small handmade Victoria sponge, filled with cream and jam coated and dusted with light powdered icing. Standing beside the table was smiling Betty and her husband faithful Sebastian standing side by side with one another, sitting on the moved couch was her Uncle with a grin on his masculine face with the daily newspaper put neatly away and her Grandmother standing beside the fire with excited grey eyes. When they all saw her as she stepped even further into the room towards the rug entranced by such bizarreness, they all seemed to glow with giddiness as they cried out cheerfully Happy Birthday in complete unison without rehearsal.

However the one thing that had surprised her was her beloved Grandfather sitting by the treasured abandoned ebony long since used piano, which has stationed itself away from human sight in the darkest corner of the room. It was the only thing that had not come down from a long line of heritage, but instead belonged to her Grandfather since his own childhood. She had once heard her Grandmother say that if Grandfather had the choose to not follow his strict linage that was expected of him, he would have become the most refined Pianist of the century. 

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