Mall Encounter (Ch. 14)

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{Taliyah's Pov}

As we Catch up to her, Aisha Grins.

"You finally caught up!"

I smiled. "You're lucky I didn't have to get my Pokemon," I put My hands on both Rhys and Peirce's Shoulder, "To use Quick attack. It's a highly effective Move."

Why was I referencing pokemon? Not even I know.

"PIERCE! I choose you! Use head pat!" She then pointed to me while Peirce looked Confused.


I was really excited and Rhys was Confused beyond imagining.

"Oh heeeelllll no. Pierce, use protect!" She Said, Pierce then looks at Rhys confused.

"What are They Doing?" Rhys Asked Peirce, Still confused.

Aisha sighs. "You have so much to learn."

I wasn't about to let this Battle go, However. "Rhys Use Adorkable Nerd Facts!"

He wasn't sure what that Meant, but He started Listing off Random facts.

"Alright. I give up. I'm a pacifist." Aisha States.

"Take my Pokècoins." I started Celebrating and Patted Rhys on the shoulder to let him know he could stop.

"Nice!" The universe decided to Help and the Battle victory sound played.

"What the hell. Nevermind, not gonna question it." Wise choice, Aisha.

"I am way too hungry right now." Aisha Looked out into the sea of people.

"Yeah no. Follow me guys."

As I start walking, I see a Familiar face in the Ocean. "Hey, Wait.. Is that...?" I looks at a Specific Face in the crowd.

Then, I looked Back at Aisha Before shrugging it off and Continuing to follow her.

"Everyone, hold hands." She intructs.

"I'm gonna do something crazy. But it's worth it for the food."

"Anything's worth Food." I tell her.

"Alright. Take my hand Pierce. Rhys. Taliyah, take their hands."

I grabbed Rhys' hand and he Followed Aisha Along side me.

She squeezes her eyes shut, and a flash of magenta light flashes.

"It's not real, Just for food. It's not real, Just for food. It's not real, Just for food." I kept Whispering that to myself.

Suddenly, I realized Aisha's pupils are now cyan.

"We're here! The food court!" Aisha takes a deep breath in.

"Ahhhhh. Foooood..." Me and Aisha say in sync.

Aisha Giggles a bit and So do I.

"So, What's so risky About This Mission, and why must we hold hands?" I ask.

Aisha looks down and sees she's still holding Pierce's hand.

"I-I had to have physical contact with you so that I could teleport us. The magic flowed through you guys and teleported Taliyah too."


"Magic, Teleport?"

"Uhhhhh... hey look! Ice cream!" she said.

"I didn't even realize-" Rhys cut me off. "ICE CREAM!!" Rhys dashed off towards the Ice cream.

"I can't believe you're totally crushing on that guy." Aisha Mumbles.

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