Roomies! Pt. 2 (Ch. 2)

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(there are a few Pov jumps in this, so I apologize!)

{Y/N's Pov}

As my new 'Roomie' Whisper-yells, I look at the Orange haired boyo, who was peacefully sitting on the inside of the door, waiting for Ava. I look at him and see how innocent and pure he looks. 'I dub thee... Cinnamon Roll!' I said in my head. Cinnamon Roll seemed content waiting for the short little girl.

Hey, Wait! I didn't say Beetlejuice three times! Or.. Or did I...?

She came up to the door. "Hey, You can come in now!" She said, smiling.

I wandered into the apartment.. and oh. My. Lorde. "Jésus Christo-" I said. I feasted my eyes apon not one, not two, but FIVE SMOKING HOT BOYS. "I don't know what kind of kinky harem you've got, but You got the right boys for it-" I say.

While Ava turned bright red, the boys simply looked Confused, Cinnamon Roll cocking his head slightly to the left. "I- N-No!!" She said defensively.

"Hey, I'm not here to judge."

She just kind of stares back and forth between me and the ripped fantasy boys.

"Princess Ava, who is this?" Cinnamon Roll asked.

"Yes, Prisoner! I demand the Identity of this human girl! NOW!" said one of them.

'I know exactly what I'm gonna call YOU'  I thought to myself smugly as the leather bearing hot boi continued yelling.

"I thought you were just tryna Copy Zane and his edgy-ness, but then you started yelling. Your like if Garroth and Zane were Combined." I stated blankly.

He just stood there. "I don't know what that means, But I take it that's an Insult!" Bakugo started yelling again.

I noticed Ava snickering at my remark.

Wait... Did Cinnamon Roll say Princess  Ava? And did Bakugo say prisoner..?

"Hold on. Princess? Prisoner??" I Question.

{Ava's Pov}

Oh man. I don't know, should I tell her? God, the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"Uuuhhhhhh". Sigh, why am I as dumb as I am short sometimes?!

I looked over to the boys for approval. They all nodded, though Leif gave a creepy smile. When I turned to face (Y/N), I saw Leif with a knife to her throat.

"Leif!" I yelled.

He ignored me and pressed the knife down farther onto her skin. I was starting to freak out when I heard a slight crunch sound.

All I saw were the boys staring at where Leif was with an 'I can feel your pain' face. I heard a loud thud and turned around to see Leif on the ground, curled into a ball.

(Y/N) was standing on the ground and chilled like nothing happened.

I looked at her in awe. "Wh-What did you do to him?" I Questioned.

She smiled. "pay close attention to him and I'm sure you'll be able to guess." She said slyly.

As soon as I realized what she meant, I honestly had to hold myself back from laughter.

"I should probably explain the nicknames Though," I said. She nodded. "Yes, You probably should."

{Y/N's Pov}

She sat down and gestured for me to sit Aswell. So, I did.

"This is all going to sound a little crazy, but.. just... Have an open mind..?" She said/asked. I nodded.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

About 30 minutes later, I'm just.. staring. Back and forth between Ava and the hot dudes.

"So you're telling me that those boys are from a planet called Daemos, and their species is also called Daemos?"

Ava nodded.

"How Am I supposed to tell when you mean the planet and when you mean the species-" I Question.

Ava opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out.

"Sooo. they're hiding their true forms right now..?" I ask.

"Yes." Said the Blue Buff Boi.

"Can they, like, Transform, or whatever it is they do?"

Ava nodded and looked to the boys. All of them, one by one, Revealed some sick looking horns. Except for Cinnamon Roll. They helped him.

I Casually walked up to them. I went up to the closest one, which was Cinnamon Roll, and to make sure it wasn't just some fake horns and some lighting effects, I grabbed one of his horns.

All of the boys gasped, and Cinnamon Roll went bright red. After about 2 seconds, I stopped, then backed up.

While the Daemos all looked at me in horror, Cinnamon Roll was sitting on the ground, 50 shades of red.

"W-Why is it you humans do that..?" Cinnamon Roll Asked.

I shrugged. "I don kno. Curiosity?"

As I turned to Ava, My eyes shot open, millions of sparkles filling my (E/C) eyes. And I did a 180.

{Ava's Pov}

Well, she took that better than I expected. Poor Noi Though. Apparently it's offensive to grab a Daemos' horn, but, I don't really know.

I got confused at the sight of her bright eyes as she did a full 180.

She started moving around to each Daemos at inhumane speeds. "So you guys are basically Demons? Do you guys trade things for souls? Do y'all work similarly to Bill Cipher?!" And a million other questions related to those.

I just- watched in awe. I could see Rhys attempting to answer every question, but she'd have an entirely new Question before he could even get the first syllable out.

Then she stopped.

"You, yes You!" She pointed at Rhys. "The Blue Harry Potter!" Rhys had no clue what she was talking about.

"Yes..?" He replied.

"Can I sell my soul to you for infinite Starbucks?!" She asked seriously.

"I.. do not believe so." He answered.

A look of disappointment fell over (Y/N)'s face.

She sat on the couch. "So, now I get why Black haired Bakugo calls you prisoner, but why princess?" She asked.

Before I could answer, she had a Lenny face. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). "Is it because you two are daattiinnggg??" She said.

I became bright red. "N-No! It's because my dad is Andrew, the man Running for Office. They think that makes me a princess and he a king.. heheheh." I replied.


Asch spoke up. Again. "So, Is this human our NEW prisoner?!"

Before I could reply, (Y/N) did.

"Oh, shut up, Bakugo. I ain't nobody's prisoner."

I couldn't help but laugh a little.

I looked down at my phone. Dad texted me.

Dad- "Hey, Pumpkin! I heard you got a new roommate!"

Ava- "How did you know already??"

Dad- "Well, I heard Loralie talking about it."

Ava- "she IS a talker-"

Dad- "Anyways, how would you like to have dinner with us and your new roommate?"

Ava- "sure, dad. where?"

Dad- "same place as always, pumpkin!"

I turned off my phone.

"Sooo... Uhm.... (Y/N)... How would you like to have Dinner with me and my dads?" I asked.

"Sounds cool." She replied. "I'm in!"

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