Roomies! (Ch. 1)

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{Y/N's Pov}

I sighed. I was somewhat disappointed. I was enjoying being a lazy couch potato when I'd gotten the urge for donuts and Starbucks. Me, being a 27 year old, couldn't get Starbucks out of my mind.

So I got out of bed, stretched out my hands and went to get on my regular attire. The word attire made me feel fancy. I don't like that.

I casually grabbed a beige shirt reading "Vaccines cause Adults" and slid it on, slipped on a pair of black shorts that stopped above my knees and happily put on my sacred hoodie, my security blanket, my comfort. It was A black hoodie with long sleeves and A goose with a bat on it. It said "Mess with the Honk, you get the Bonk". That was my favorite hoodie. However, it was severely rivaled with my "Grucci" Hoodie.

I put on some bnha socks, then slipped on a pair of Bill Cipher themed sneakers. I was ready. I took out my phone, set the destination for my local Starbucks and.. despite my lazy self, I walked. Now that I think about it I should probably get a car.

Eh. Too late. I was a Pipper Piper.. until I got to the sacred Coffee store. I saw A familiar Brunette at the front. I walked over, and in the Totally most calm voice ever, stated "Milli? Why TF are the lights out?", And I gestured towards the Starbucks.

"Sorry, (Y/N), We're closed today. However, we will be open by next Monday!" The Brunette said in a cheery voice. "Milli. Monday? I'll be Dead by then!" I over exaggerated. You know what? No! I was NOT Over exaggerating! MONDAY?!

"Listen, (Y/N/N), I know it's rough, but-"
She paused for a moment. "How are you even able to afford Starbucks right now?" She Questioned. I gave her the 'did you really have to bring that up' look. She looked at me and sighed. "You don't have a job. Maybe you should look for, oh, I don't know, A roommate, maybe?" She suggested.

I looked at her- no, I Glared at her.

She nervously looked around, occasionally looking back to me for a brief second. I sighed and put my hand on my hip, slightly squeezing the bridge of my nose with my index finger and thumb. "Where would I find a roommate, Mil?" I Questioned.

I expected her to have not thought that far, but I was surprised. Pleasantly? I don't know.

"Well, there's a really nice girl who I'm sure wouldn't mind at all if you roomed with her!" I slightly chuckled. "You sound like Ms. Oats-" she slightly shoved me in a platful Manor. "Maybe, but I'm right! Infact, She lives in the same apartment complex as Ms. Oats!" Milli said cheerfully.

I sighed.

She acknowledged that.

"Aight, fine, I'll look at it." I sighed, looking away. Milli had the ability to look so- so- innocent and sad. "Just stop looking at me like that!" I giggled. She did a little happy dance. "Dam I never thought you'd manage to be cheesier then me, but here we are." I joked. She didn't mind at all.

We just.. stood there after that. "D-do you expect me to know where to go psychically or somethin?" I said awkwardly. Milli turned somewhat red. "O-Oh! I'm sorry-" she fumbled a small piece of paper in her hands from her pocket before giving it to me.

I opened it. I was dissapointed. Again. I expected it to say something spooookyyyy, like 'Do not trust them', or 'Beware the brown bear', or something. Not the address. "Thanks, Mil." I said. She waved a 'You're welcome!' to me before having a 'wait, are you serious..?' look on her face.

"H-Hey, you're walking the opposite way.." she said. I look over my shoulder. "I know! I ain't goin today, at least not right now, Mil." I said. She tinted slightly more red.

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