Silver and Cold: Part 8

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"'s nice to meet you. Um...let me get you some clothes, yeah?" He keeps a safe distance as he walks around you to head down the hall towards his bedroom but you follow not far behind. When you peak your head around the corner to find him digging through his dresser, you realize that he hasn't discovered that you've tagged along which gives you a moment to really look at him with your human eyes.

Harry really is the most beautiful human being you have ever seen, there is no denying that. You almost wonder if he might be made of something magical himself. His face is set in a determined sort of way, looking for anything that might possibly fit you even though he is a giant and you are maybe pushing five foot seven. Without his sweater on he is just wearing a black t-shirt that hugs his torso, and his muscular legs are covered by his usual black skinny jeans.

He goes to turn towards you but he practically jumps out of his skin when he sees you standing there.

"Shit...sorry. I didn't see you there. They won't fit you properly but it's all I have," he extends the black joggers and white t-shirt out to you and then points over his shoulder, "there's a shower right there if you want to clean up. I'd let you use the guest one but dog sort of destroyed it?"

"Bad bath incident?" You can't help but tease him and he nervously rubs the back of his neck as he coughs out a laugh.

"Yeah...something like that." You smile warmly at him and notice that his eyes flicker down to your lips before he takes a giant inhale of breath.

"Well, I'll just uh...leave you to it then," he awkwardly walks around you, still being mindful of your personal space, "I'll be out here if you need me." He offers, giving you one last look as if he is trying to memorize you, and then he's gone.


When you were finally squeaky clean and smelling of his cinnamon body wash, you padded down the hallway to find Harry looking out of the front window.

You knew exactly what he was doing. The tension in his shoulders, his tight stance with his hands buried in his pockets...he was worried for you...for Selene.

"Has your dog not come back yet?" Your voice echoed out across the living room and Harry twisted around quickly to find you looking far prettier in his clothes than he'd ever imagined.

"No, I'm afraid not. She's never done this...I have to admit I'm a little worried." You nod and walk over to the green couch and tuck your feet up underneath you as he takes one last look outside before heading over to his armchair just to your left.

"Tell me about your dog." Harry's eyes light up as he settles in to speak about you.

"Well, her name is Selene. She's a wolf-dog and really she looks more like a wolf than a dog but she's the sweetest creature I've ever met," He trails a finger over his bottom lip and the action has you hypnotized, "she's saved me, in more ways than one and I've only had her for about two months. She's my darling girl." He finishes and then smiles shyly at the expression on your face.

"She's just a dog I know, I must sound like one of those crazy animal owners that thinks of their pet as family but she is...she's my family as silly as that may sound." You just shake your head and smile back at him.

"No, I don't think it is silly at all Harry."

Both of your eyes go wide.

You realize your slip up of knowing his name when he has not given it to you yet, clearly he hasn't by the look of pure shock and confusion on his face but then you remember the medals hanging up just behind you and you look over your shoulder and point.

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