Silver and Cold: Part 3

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The warmth of the fire has frightened you in a way that you did not think possible. 

Harry has noticed that you tend to stay away from it as much as possible but when the heater broke last night it was the only thing to keep him warm and so you had to just suck it up and hide in his bedroom while he slept by the fireplace. 

You are afraid for one main reason. 

You are not sure at what point the heat of the flames will kick start your transition and you are not willing to compromise your species just to be near your human. 

As much as you have grown to admire him and his sweet gentleness, you cannot and will not be near him when the fire is going. 

Since this morning though, the generator has begun working again and the heat was restored keeping the house at a nice 68 degrees. 

Luckily, Harry has realized that you are more of an outdoor animal so several times a day he'd let you outside and watch from the big window as you laid outside in the snow. It was moments like that where you realized you both were very in tune with each other, in a way that was very surprising to you both. 

You were learning things about one another that allowed you to coexist peacefully but not without some alarm at first.

You had discovered on your fourth night in his home that Harry suffered from post traumatic stress disorder. 

You had been laid out on the couch, not completely certain where he wanted you to sleep at night yet, when you'd heard the noises coming from his bedroom. Your sensitive ears had piqued and flicked every which way as what started out as subtle moans and strains turned into shouts of pain. 

You had leapt down from the couch, wincing as pain shot through your hip upon landing, and bolted down the hallway to the last room on the right. When you'd made it to the bedroom you were horrified. 

The man was sprawled out on his bed crying out in hysterics. His eyes were scrunched shut in pain while one of his hands was grasping at his hip and the other was clenched against the wild sheets. 

You hadn't even hesitated. You ran and jumped onto the bed before coming to lay next to him. He was still shouting and his half naked body was covered in a sheen of sweat so you crawled slowly to rest your upper half on top of his so that he could feel your weight. 

You had watched your mother do this to your sister once when she was younger and had night terrors after seeing your father shot by a hunter all those years ago. You knew it had something to do with the weight that comforted those with stress disorders and hoped that it would work in his case as well. 

After several moments, his whines calmed down and his hand that had gripped his hip had suddenly clung to your fur as he resurfaced from the terror behind his closed eyelids. His eyes slowly blinked open and upon realizing he was awake, he had looked down to see your glowing eyes focused on his. 

"Selene darling...I'm sorry did I-did I scare you?" His voice was scratchy and rough from his pained shouts and all you could do was lay your head down on his chest and watch him as he wiped at his tear stained eyes. You had laid there on top of him the whole night, never sleeping because you were too afraid that if you let your guard down, he'd begin crying out in pain all over again.

 It had been horrifying to see but it brought some more of the pieces of his puzzle together. You wondered how long he had been without his long had he gone through these traumatic nights alone? 

The thoughts hurt your soul. 

You had never felt bad for humans.


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