Silver and Cold: Part 8

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Harry is staring at you like he can't quite believe what he is seeing.

"You-" He stumbles over what to say when he realizes that you, the woman who saved him just a month ago, are now standing before him like a fucking angel sent from God himself.

You don't say a word. You are absolutely petrified that he has figured it out. You can see the cogs and wheels turning inside his brilliant mind and you cannot, for the life of you, find the words to say.

Harry takes a small and slow step forward towards you and you hold your ground because there is nowhere for you to run. The only place you want to run to is into his arms but you can't.

"I...I don't mean to sound insane but...have we? Have we met before?" Harry is practically holding his breath. He knows that it is you. He knows it deep down in the very marrow of his bones that you are the girl he has been searching for all this time and yet, he feels like at any moment he could be woken up from this dream.

You don't say a single word. You observe him as his beautiful green eyes shine and shimmer and practically glow as he takes you in. You think that he looks lost and so scared that you might disappear and your heart squeezes just the slightest bit at that.

"I'm so sorry. You must think I'm absolutely delusional but...about a month ago I was in a bit of an accident and um...I could swear you were there." Harry looks so hopefully at you, his eyes are practically pleading you to confirm what he already knows but you can't.

You can't give him what he wants.

"No...I've never been here before." You glance around to make a show as if you've never seen that painting hanging up on the wall next to you, like you have never seen that emerald green couch before, and like you've never seen him ever in your life.

Harry's shoulders deflate just the slightest bit in defeat but you can tell that he hasn't completely given up. He takes it in stride and figures that maybe you had an accident. Maybe, in some crazy twist of fate, you have been hurt in a way that has effected your memory and now he has to the be the one to save you.

"M'sorry. You just have one of those faces I guess." He suggests simply but you know he hasn't given this up, not just yet. Your human is stubborn when he wants to be and you know that he is just waiting for you to warm up to him and slip up.

"That's okay." You whisper back and then Harry is back to taking care of you.

"Did you manage to get ahold of anyone?" He asks sweetly, pointing towards the phone that is exactly where he left it when he'd gone to find his precious Selene.

You shake your head and look down at the floor. Your feet are covered in dirt and you are almost embarrassed at being in his impeccable presence in such a state.

"Do you have anyone to call?" Again you just shake your head. You don't know how to explain yourself to him because you did not have a plan installed for this. Your family is probably miles away and they don't exactly have a phone, even now in their human form.

"How about I call the police station and see if they can help you?"

"No!" Your eyes snap up to his as you practically bark out the word and he takes a step away from you with his hands up to keep you calm.

"Okay...okay no worries. We'll figure something out then," Harry looks you over to assess any outward signs of damage that could have been done to you before settling back on your face. His eyebrows scrunch together and his lips part, "What is your name?"

You resist the urge to smile.

"Kai." Harry absorbs your name and gets the sense that you have hidden something, that there is more but he does not push you. He is just happy that you are here, in his presence again.

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