Devil's Night: Part 4

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When Sera awoke, she was lounging on a black velvet chaise. With a shocked gasp, she sat upright and took in her surroundings. All around her were lit golden candelabras and walls and floors of stone that gleamed. They reminded her of black diamonds and it intrigued her.

Where was she?

She felt awake, not at all how she'd felt when she was asleep or dreaming but...this had to be a dream....right?

From the corner of the room a gold encrusted wooden door creaked open and Sera could feel her heart beating in her throat.

She was someplace she shouldn't be. She was frightened.

With one hand against her chest and the other holding onto the back of chaise, she waited to see who would enter the chamber.

She was surprised to find a cat.

And not just any cat.

"Harry?" She questioned and the glowing eyes just stared at her as if laughing at her. She felt herself calm slightly but then...

And on this night, Devil's Night...Hell was given a Queen...

Sera sucked in a sharp breath.

What on Earth had she agreed to?

The cat meowed with a flick of its tail as if it were growing impatient with her. She furrowed her brows and was about to snap at the creature when it lazily spun back around and trotted towards the door, a sidelong gaze over its shoulder as if so say, "Do hurry up."

Sera stood slowly, gathering her bearings, and noticed that the gown she was wearing was exactly the one from her dream. Her eyes went wide as her fingers splayed against the material hugging her stomach and hips. The silk felt like water against her skin, exactly how it felt in her dream just moments ago.

What was this?

Another loud meow came from the doorway that bordered on sounding annoyed at her, so she finally made her legs move and walked to the doorway.

Poking her head out she just found more of the same glittering onyx walls and more ornamental candelabras lining the hallway as she made her way down the hall.

It was eerily quiet, only the sounds of the pads of her feet prodding into the floor echoing off the walls. The black cat just sauntered ahead of her, never looking back. It's like it knew she was following now.

Sera should have been freaked out by all of this. She should have been running for the hills screaming at the top of her lungs.

But she wasn't. She was oddly at ease here.

She wasn't sure what it was exactly that made her feel comforted, but she liked it. That was the one emotion at the forefront of her mind.

She was calm.

Finally, the cat looked over its shoulder and gave her a look that said, "wait." Sera just blinked at it as it gave her one final look before disappearing behind a door. It eerily clicked shut behind the cat causing a shiver to run up her spine.

Sera didn't stand there long. She heard a voice whisper at the back of her mind.

Come in.

With a small amount of hesitance and more a feeling of pure curiosity, she pulled the door open and her jaw dropped at what she found.

Emeralds, rubies, and sapphires.

They littered the entire circumference of the chamber. The walls still that glittering black.

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