Silver and Cold: Part 6

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That night had been a dreadful one.

The entire evening you had paced the length of the house so many times you practically made yourself dizzy.

So many questions ran through your mind.

Would Harry survive? If so, when would he return to you?

If he did return, what would he say about your behavior?

You had pulled him out of the water and dragged him across his land and then laid on top of him to keep him alive.

That was not behavior of an ordinary dog...wolf-dog or not.

You were terrified that he might figure it out, especially when he'd left staring into your amber eyes.

You could feel the anxiety creeping through your skin at the thought of him figuring it out and now you were trapped in the body of a wolf once again.

He could have you killed.

There wasn't a single bone in your body that thought your human would do such a thing to you, but could you really be so sure?

You were a creature of myths and legends. Your story was one told a thousand times and it never really made your kind look that great.

It was either you were a vicious and evil monster, biting and turning people into a werewolf....or you were smoldering and raunchy, dominating men and women alike into submission.

Neither looked good....and if you were being honest, it was rather embarrassing, and at the end of the day, your legend was one meant to be kept secret.

The world knowing your truth could get you killed...or worse...get him killed.

Above all of this, though, was your fear of the ultimate "What if..."

What if he never even comes back?

This thought haunted you all night and well into the next day. You could feel the rope he'd secured around your heart being plucked every single time you let the painful fear run through your mind.

As a human, in those hours following his transportation to the hospital, you had allowed yourself to fully understand your emotions.

You dared not to say that you felt love for the human.

It wasn't an impossibility. You had heard stories of wolves of the summer marrying a human every so often but for them it made slight sense.

They were more human than they were wolf. They had things in common. They were used to being in the human world and for you, a wolf of winter, bound to a curse of the were the opposite.

You had seen the horrors of humanity. You had witnessed their destruction of all you held dear and were sworn to protect.

And yet...your human was different.

He made you feel things you had never felt before.

It was closing in on nightfall when you heard it.

There was the sound of an engine pulling into the driveway and you were immediately barreling for the front door.

Poking your head by the large front window, you could just barely glimpse the tops of two heads.

Both brunette.

Your heart was on fire. You could feel it pounding in your furry sternum to the point where you almost thought it might burst forth from your chest just so that it could be closer to him.

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