Never let a potato be the nurse-you, WILL regrets it

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Maya: Okay! Everyone line up! Jason, then Leo, then Nico, then Percy, then Frank, then Will!
Reyna: what's your problem Jason?
Jason: my internal organs keep spontaneously combusting
Reyna: *stomps on his stomach*
Jason: ooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww *runs away crying*
Maya: *snickers in a mashed potato fashion*
Maya: Leos turn! *shoves Leo infrount of Reyna*
Reyna: What's your problem Leo?
Leo: ummm*nervous laughter* I-um-I guess my hand is broken?
Reyna: Maya Potato Nurse! Please pass the green bean baby food, the apple sauce, and the purple and gold crayola markers!
Maya:*hands her the supplies in a french fry manner*
Reyna: *mixes baby food and apple sauce together* *stuffs it down Leo's throat* *colors on hands with markers*
Leo: *gags*
Maya: now go home!
Reyna: And sleep!
Maya: for
Reyna: twelve
Maya and Reyna: Days
Leo: *runs off*
Reyna: UNCLE NICO! UNCLE NICO! *whispers* can I have a French fry?
Nico: *gives her a French fry*
Reyna: look like you have a DEADLY sickness if not cured properly.
Maya: Ya!
Will: What!?!
Nico: what's the cure?
Reyna: Hugs.
Nico: ummm
Reyna: *crawls onto his lap* now. Tell a story.
Nico: ummm.....
Reyna: quickly! Or the cure won't work!
Nico: once upon a time a young adult named Rey-er-Daisy was offered chi tea by a chi high Zeus. She drank three gallons of it and turned into a five year old. This five year old liked to play doctor, and pancakes. Then she threw up and she was normal again, the end.
Reyna: *is asleep*
Maya: Okay! Nico. Stay there. Percy. Time for your check-up
Percy: *squeaks* okay
Maya: Give me your shirt.
Percy: *gives her his shirt*
Maya: *draws potatoes on shirt*
Percy: *stifles a scream* thank you
Maya: *gives him the shirt* all cured. NEXT!
Frank: I HAVE TO GO NOW! *leaves*
Will: I uh-bye!
Maya: humph.
Nico: my arm has fallen asleep.
Reyna: *in her sleep* pancakes and French fries. Yummy.

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