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-Emiko's Pov-

We continued playing a ton of arcade games, and as time slipped past our fingers, so did the day. We left and walked under the stars. Around this time yesterday I- I interrupted my own thoughts, not wanting to think about that. Might as well start talking so I have enough time to explain all this shit.

     "My parents," I started off. The blonde looked at me with a softer look. I could tell he was listening intently. "My parents, uhhh, sorry. There was this guy I knew until sixth grade. We knew each other since we were in diapers. His name was Hiroto... He'd always joke around about serious stuff, but, I always thought they were genuine jokes. To put it as simply as possible, he shot my parents. The police never caught him...." I let it out. I seriously told him, holy shit-

"Oh my fucking god... I- I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" Bakugo's voice was laced with worry. This isn't the right Bakugo is it? I may just have broke him...

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I mean, I miss them. A lot. But I know they wouldn't want me to give up because of something like that. So I guess I'm just trying to stay strong for them," I smiled lightly. "Oh shit, sorry. I didn't mean to rant!" I apologized. He shook his head and dismissed it. I should have told him I'm not okay.

We continued walking, chatting about school and other random stuff. It was pleasant, and it seemed as if everything that stressed me out or kept me up at night melted away while I was with him.

     I kept noticing very small things. Like how he's occasionally wear a small smile, or how his movements and body language made it clear he wasn't stressed or tense. How his eyes held such an emotion that I couldn't even place a name upon it.

     "The fuck you looking at, dumbass?" The blonde questioned. Before I could even think about an answer, one slipped my lips.

     "You," I said without hesitation. After a few silent seconds I realized what I said. Fuck. "I m-mean, your -hair! Do you like, gel it that way?" I asked mentally cursing when I stuttered. His eyebrows perked in confusion, but he shrugged it off lightly.

     "Nah, it just does that. It's weird as hell, but I don't really care," he explained. I wanna touch it.... I suddenly reach up and fell his hair, and holy shit was it soft. He looked at me like I was insane.

     "Hmm, I was right. It is soft" I mumbled to myself. He just nodded. I tried to hide my blush, embarrassed of what I just did. A few minutes later, we approached our houses. "Well, guess this is bye. See you tomorrow, Pomeranian," I shut the front door behind me before he could lash out insults and yells as me.

     A sudden impact to my head caused my giddiness to end. I stumbled a bit but fell into my hands and knees. A broken bottle of who knows what kind of alcohol was broken and strewn across the floor. Pieces dug into my hands. I felt oozing from my head. Shit.

     "AND WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" Takeo yelled into my face as he was crouches down in the floor to my level of sight. I just then realized that I hadn't seen him since the day before the first day. I am officially screwed.

Pain. That's all I felt. Darkness. That's all I saw. Takeo. That's all I heard. And just as I remember fading, I awoke. I lay on the say spot I fell, except every light was off. It was dark, and the only light source was the moon beaming through the windows.

     I sat up, each and every part of my body aching. Deciding now wasn't the time to review my life and pain, I cleaned up the bottle shards as best to my abilities. I limped upstairs and into my room. I walked to my bathroom and flicked in the light. What stood I front of me terrified me.

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